Hey, remember how cool Sharper Image was? You know, before they went out of business because who could possibly pay those prices? Remember that?
It turns out that Boscov’s is carrying a bunch of Sharper Image gadgets at normal, real-people prices. Hooray! This may just help you finish up shopping for the gadget-hound on your list. (Free shipping on $50+ orders, automatically.)
They have:
The Sharper Image Touch Panel Remote Control for $7.97
The Sharper Image Digital Photo Keychain for $14.97
The Sharper Image Mini Digital Camera for $9.97
The Sharper Image Digital Photo Album Keychain for $14.97
Hey, if you’re a big spender, these would make great stocking stuffers, too. (And if you stuff stockings with gadgets like these, would you like to come to my house this year? Just sayin’….)
Wow! What a treat to hear someone else say that $10+ for stocking stuffers is expensive. These days, stuffing a stocking can eat up the whole Christmas budget for the person.
Beautiful Mir,
You have made at least 2 people that I have to shop for very happy and made me the heroine of the secret Santa game. My BIL, dad and my BFF’s brother will have great fun this Christmas! Please, keep those deals coming!!!
lovely stuff! thanks
Mir, THANK YOU. I’ve never heard of that Boscov’s site before, and thanks to you I have just crossed off 11!!!! people off of my list for only $156. I’m now officially finished.
My husband and I just laugh at all the jewelry store ads this time of year that imply that diamond necklaces make great stocking stuffers.