I hope you weren’t planning on getting any real work done today… there’s a Woot-Off going on.
(But not really. If I’m going to be sitting here hitting refresh all day, you should, too. Obsession loves company!)
I hope you weren’t planning on getting any real work done today… there’s a Woot-Off going on.
(But not really. If I’m going to be sitting here hitting refresh all day, you should, too. Obsession loves company!)
I use a Woot Tracker from bagsofcrap.com so I don’t have to keep refreshing . . .
what’s a woot-off? i saw the roomba. . .is that all? and then they change the deal after that’s gone or something?
LOL…memories of refreshing rush to my brain. Those were the days of REAL deals! What a lifetime ago that was, huh? 😉
whoa, I have a scooba and have been wanting a roomba, yeah!
I missed out on the Roombas, but I was able to snag an Infared Thermometer so that my husband can feel as cool as Alton Brown.
This woot thing is pretty addictive, though. 🙂