I always assumed that once your kids reach a certain age, you just give them cash and off they go. But some of my friends with older kids tell me that no, they still expect presents. Big, expensive presents. Rats.
I’ve been cruising the LEGO at Amazon. Some of these are suitable for the older kid in your life. And some of them are definitely toys-for-the-husband candidates. Either way.
It started because I saw that the Star Wars Sandcrawler was marked down to $79.99 (43% off). From there I looked around for more Star Wars deals, and somehow happened upon the Ultimate Collector’s Millenium Falcon, which, hey, if anyone here is actually ponying up $399.99 for a LEGO set, I’d like to let you know that I’m available for adoption. But I point it out because it is $100 off, and if you look at the “Other Buying Choices” you’ll see that people are apparently paying out the wazoo (yes, that’s the technical term) for this set. So I’m mentioning it, and trying not to have a coronary.
Likewise, I don’t suppose anyone’s in the market for the Mindstorms NXT, but $199 isn’t a bad price if you were already planning to get Junior a LEGO robot that looks like it could kill you in your sleep.
Oh, did you want something affordable? Okay. I like the Cruncher Block and Racer X set for $26.63 (33% off) and Grand Prix set for $44.99 (25% off). Nothing here is an absolute killer deal, true, but I’m told LEGO fanatics can be hard to shop for on clearance.
That robot is going to give me nightmares, though.
My brother’s SIL buys our nephew those large expensive 8 million piece star wars lego sets. And then we get them when he finishes them (which he actually never does, but we got one anyway). Never leave that in a household with little boys.
OMG, my husband would kill for the Millennium Falcon. Let me know if it drops anymore, he still isn’t going to get it at that price. You should have seen the drool coming out of his mouth at LegoLand when he first saw it! Of course if I did get it for him, I would probably never see him again. 🙂
The Mindstorm was on our list this year. THANK YOU!!!! My son is on a lego competition team with the mindstorm. No, he doesn’t have a pocket protector—yet :).