Do you know what you need to go with the Rose Petal Cottage you snapped up for a dime or whatever it cost last week when it was so cheap?
The Cherry Blossom Market, of course! It’s down to just $15 (75% off). The coordinating accessories are down to $10.97 (45% off), which I suppose is still a deal, but when the entire market is just fifteen bucks, I’m having trouble getting excited about the fruits and stuff for ten.
Still, that looks like a whole lot of playtime fun for the short people.
oh, dangit. huge toy just purchased for almost nothing.
She was just trying to play store in the pantry yesterday. I know she’ll flip about this.
Suh-weet! I had $15 in CG, so I got this free. Score. Thanks Mir!
I love you and I don’t. I have spent so! much money just by reading about your deals and steals and deciding that I “can’t afford not to buy it.” Thank you for all you do and I hope you are properly rewarded. =)
I want to buy this, and I don’t even have a daughter. OMG! It is too cute. But my ds’ dad would just die!
did i mention you’re my hero??!
Thanks so much. I will be putting this away for my daughters b-day in Feb. What a bargain. Against my better judgment I even bought the fruit, which I’m sure my dogs will think are wonderful chew toys.
Nikki, I’m with you! I know my 16-month old son would love this — but his dad would throw it out with the trash. I’ve never wanted a girl so badly!
ok, for once, i’m glad amazon are price-shifters (as opposed to shape-shifters). i’m really happy that the market is back up to $50 right now; i was going to have a very, very hard time not buying it, as my oldest got the cottage last year and it’s been a hit. both of my girls are soooo done for Christmas, but $15?! i was happy to see that a couple of the accessory sets were still $11, tho; good birthday presents! 🙂
I’m with the last commenter…I was awfully tempted until the price jumped back up! Usually it frusturates the snot out of me…this time I was glad 🙂