Hopefully you’re with the friends and family you love, this holiday season, but sometimes distance, circumstance, or the fact that some people we’re related to are really, really annoying means that we can’t be with those we love for the holidays.
And sometimes, in those cases, we send something along to say, “Hey, I’m sorry I’m not there. Well, really, no, I’m not. But here’s a present for you so that you think I am.”
Nothing sends a mixed message like that better than flowers, I find. Which is why you might be interested to know that it’s not too late to order from FTD for Christmas, plus going through that link will give you an additional 10% off your order. True, it’s not much of a discount… but can you really put a price on not suffering through another one of Great Aunt Helga’s shoe-leather roasts?
You can’t. Trust me.
(Merry Christmas Eve, folks! Wishing all of you a wonderful day filled with family, friends, and the knowledge that you saved a ton of money this year!)
LOL! Thanks, Mir. I already sent some “sorry we can’t be there (not really)” gifts. But I love your sense of humor. 🙂
Merry Christmas to your family, as well.
This is the first Christmas since forever that we are not going to be with a ton of family for Christmas morning and day. We are going camping instead. Wish us luck. I did not bring presents for the racoons.
It’s like the postcards: Weather is here, wish you were beautiful! Wait. Strike that, reverse it.
Have a wonderful visit with family.
Oh, God. Do you think my mother will know I meant that? I really did mean that. I love her but I can’t stand to be around her and my siblings. And besides that, they are in Georgia and I am in Arizona. But really, ya think she’ll know?
Merry Christmas! I think half the stuff under the tree is stuff you found me a deal on!
Mir: Merry Christmas and have a New Year filled with blessings. Thanks for all the great shopping deals.
Could’nt have done it without you!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you and yours 🙂
Merry Christmas!