Need new sneakers, either to get on your new fitness regime, or because the dreaded Growth Spurt Monster visited your kids this month?
Today (January 13th, 2009) only, New Balance Zip 8508s are on sale at for just $24.95 (plus shipping, which is $6.95 per order) until 9:00 p.m. Eastern time. They’ve got styles for men, women and kids, so the whole family can be stylin’ in no time.
I have a dilemma, because I have a kid who needs new sneakers and I generally try not to let the kids have nicer sneakers than I do. But I don’t need new ones.
(I realize this is the right sort of dilemma to have, I’m just sayin’.)
Oh, they are a good deal – unfortunately, if you have boys who have man sized feet (seriously, how does a 12 y.o. have a mens size 10 feet?), they are only available in EE width, in size 9 – or 18. Bummer.
Sold Out!
Oh yeah. All gone.
Arg.. I should have been here earlier.