Jelly Bellies are one of those things I never buy for myself, but I love to get as a gift. They delight me. Candy that tastes like popcorn! Candy that tastes like… everything! I just think they’re fun.
Anyway, right now at the Jelly Belly Store, place any order of $25+ and you can use coupon code CUPID to receive a free bonus—a 10-flavor Valentine’s Day gift box sampler. It’s only 4.25 ounces, but it’s a nice little free bonus if you’re buying that special person in your life some gourmet beans.
Like, a present for them, a snack for you. Whatever. You deserve it!
My favorite are the popcorn ones too, but everyone else I know thinks they are disgusting. Crazy people.
My favorite flavor is watermelon, especially since I can’t eat the real thing. Did you ever try the Harry Potter ones? They were fun to sic on someone else – especially the vomit flavored ones. 🙂
I hate the popcorn ones. I always wondered why they made them because I couldn’t imagine anyone liking them. Now I know.
Popcorn lover too – although more recently I’ve quite fallen for the pear…
Oh – and between shoes and jelly bellies you’re totally a pusher.
When I was student teaching we had a Jelly Belly representative come and talk to the kids (he had an inspiring story, too). He said the most popular flavor was buttered popcorn, but I couldn’t imagine ANYONE liking them. *shudders* They don’t taste like popcorn! I personally like the soda ones: root bear, cream soda, Dr. Pepper, etc. (I like that the watermelon ones are green outside with a red center, though.)
Pear is the best!
The buttered popcorn tastes like kettle corn. Mmmmmmm…..I like their coffee flavored ones too.
Buttered Popcorn Jelly Belly Lovers Unite!!
They are my absolute favorite.
Tutus for Toddlers
Woo! They’re my fav too! There are always plent of popcorn flavored ones for me left when my hubby gets done because he can’t stand them! More for me! 😉