It looks like there’s been a slew of further markdowns at Crazy 8, which means that once again I will slog through their impossible-to-sort-by-in-stock-sizes interface in search of cute things for the kids at impossibly low prices. And then I’ll be annoyed by how long it took, but afterward I’ll be so delighted by the money I saved and all the awesome stuff I got that I’ll forget all about it.
I… um… well, I think I might be a Crazy 8 junkie. I wonder if there’s a 12-step program I could find to help cure me of this addiction…?
Wow, thanks! I got 3 shirts and a jacket for my oldest (next size up, we’re set for now!) Only 19.24 shipped. YAY for great deals!
You’re also an enabler to my addiction. At least it’s a cheap addiction!
There is a cure! Soon, your Tweens – one or both – will insist on snobby clothes from a specific store (which shall remain unnamed). Then you can spend $100 for one outfit, on sale.
You can use coupon code FREE10 for $10 off your $30 or more order!
Hi, My name is Jill, and I am a Crazy8aholic. I had been clean for 2 weeks, but thanks to Mir, today I had a slip.
On the upside- we now have many cute things for next fall.
OK, they have some cute stuff but how are the sizes comparable to like Target or Sears brand stuff. BugMan outgrows the sleeve length on everything and needs some long sleeve shirts. Toughskins (Sears) size 7 fit in the body but the sleeves are way too short. I think the 8/10 size from target are getting short too.