I know it seems like spring might never arrive, but trust me—it will. And when it does, you’ll be raring to get your planting done, so that you can kick back this summer and… ummm… weed. (Hey, wait a minute. Why am I planting a garden, again…?)
Anyway, now’s a great time to order from Breck’s so that you’ll be ready. Go through that link there and you’ll get $25 off your $50 purchase, too.
Maybe you can teach your kids to weed, and you can just hang out with a glass of lemonade. (Hey, hope springs eternal.)
Why is it that when kids are of an age where they WANT to help (like age 3) they can’t tell the difference between a weed and your new plants, but when they’re old enough to actually BE of assistance they don’t want to help anymore?
I used to loathe having to help mom weed the garden- seriously, I compared it to punishement of the worst kind. These days, I’m wishing for a big yard to be able to plant a big, weedy garden!!!