Yowza! Y’all, we set a Want Not record with this latest contest. Over one thousand entries! And most of them on time! That’s… that’s… well, that’s just crazy. But in a good way.
The random number generator has spoken, er, generated, and the winner is lucky commenter number 379, Shawn. Congratulations, Shawn! Please check your email!
Didn’t win, but still totally intrigued by this slow cooker design and its promises of three separate dishes all cooked with minimal fuss? The folks over at Slow Cooker Mate have generously decided to extend a free shipping coupon to Want Not readers—just enter code WN1 with your order, through the weekend, and your cooker will ship for free. (Thanks for the prize donation and the code, Diana! Want Not loves the Slow Cooker Mate!)
Thanks to everyone who played, too. I do love a good contest! And you know the drill—if you didn’t win this time, don’t despair; another contest is always right around the corner.