Longtime Want Not readers know that I refuse to get on the cash-only bandwagon. While I am (obviously) all about spending smart, getting the best deal, and—above all—knowing exactly where your money is going, I’m a huge proponent of responsible credit card use.
Yes. It’s not an oxymoron, folks. Responsible credit card use is exactly that; using your credit card like cash, buying only what you can afford, and paying off the balance every month. There have always been compelling reasons to do this: You don’t have to carry around a lot of cash; every month you get a bill listing everything you spent; most credit cards offer some sort of extended warranty protection, as well as fraud protection; some cards given money or other perks (like airline miles) back to you.
So when BlogHer asked me to check out Discover Card’s new Spend Analyzer tool, I was all over it. I’m already a loyal Discover Card user, so I was charting my spending faster than you could say Cashback Bonus, baby. (To be absolutely clear: This is a paid review from BlogHer and Discover.) Go read my review to learn more.