I’m gearing up to get my veggie garden started. Oh, how I love to spend the summer screaming obscenities at the squirrels! Erm, I mean, oh how I love to spend the summer eating tomatoes fresh off the vine! Stop looking at me like that.
I have two deals and a tip, for you, today.
First, the deals: Remember that you can get $25 off your $50 purchase at Breck’s or $25 off your $50 purchase at Spring Hill once per season (use those links to activate). Plan it right, and if you need $100 worth, you can split it between the two and be all set.
And now the tip: You know those Earthboxes that everyone swears by? It turns out that if you’re a little handy, you can probably make one yourself for a fraction of the cost. I found those instructions through a friend and you better believe I turned right around and started pestering my husband to make me a couple. Because I’m awesome that way.
I prefer to spend my summer screaming obscenities at the birds who are attracted to my yard by my neighbor’s bird feeders. Although, last fall she started spreading dried corn around for the squirrels, so I’m sure I’ll grow to hate them too.
Thanks for the link to the homemade boxes. I have drooled over the others for years, but not been able to justify that expense.
Mir, have we mentioned lately how incredibly fantastic and pretty you are? ^_^
I, too, have coveted the Earthbox, but also could not justify the expense (well, ok, couldn’t afford it either, lol) but at around $10 each, I think we can make a couple. And it’ll save on water! Our garden died last year because we couldn’t keep it watered enough (nearly doubled our water bill). And just think – No weeding!
I love me some tomatoes too! My daughter would steal them off the vine when she was barely 1 and you talk about some horrid diaper rash. Poor little thing. Poor me too because it was horrendous keeping her away from the plants while we played outside SO much! Loving this weather we’re starting to get and can’t wait for the warm months to come.
I think I’m going to making one of those boxes for my tomatos this year. Wonder if I can find something a bit less obvious then a blue tote container – must shop (darn!)
Hm. I’m making a rain barrel at a workshop in a few weeks. Maybe one of these could be my Mother’s Day gift? I’ll hint.