More geek fun (this time in DVD format)

By Mir
March 18, 2009
Category Hot Hot Hot!

So, the History Channel Store is offering up to 50% off on assorted Ancient Civilizations DVDs through the end of the month. I love this, because I have trouble justifying buying movies, often, but this is educational, people. Yes. Even Jurassic Fight Club. (Hey, maybe especially Jurassic Fight Club!)

And I know it’s only mid-March, and I don’t want to alarm anyone or appear to be jumping the gun, here… I know that Father’s Day is a long way off, I do. But these are the sorts of DVDs that make great Father’s Day gifts for your favorite history buff.

Especially because then you can send the father in question and the kids off to watch, together, while you do something important like give yourself a pedicure. Or whatever.

1 Comment

  1. Cities of the Underworld RULES. I recommend it for anyone, but 20-something year old guys love this. At least the ones I know.

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