Got a girl who needs a bag? Today at 6pm, all Jansport bags are $9.95 or less!
Something’s wiggy with the site display, though—on the main Jansport page, the prices are higher. Clicking through to an item shows you the actual price, which is $9.95 for all of the packs, or just $4.95 for the 2-pack of lunch bags.
Not such a great deal if you have a boy (unless he’s fond of pink; not that there’s anything wrong with that), but plenty of bargains for the ladies!
I can’t seem to find the lunch bags…but that’s a very good deal…
huh. I’m only seeing 4 backpacks when I click though and the lowest price is $16.67. I’ll have to search around a little bit…
Just realized this is a post I somehow missed yesterday. *slapping forehead with palm of hand* That’s probably why there are no cheap ones left!