I know, I know—it may be just a tad sacrilegious to talk about Good Friday and the Amazon Friday Sale together, but I think you’d agree that my affinity for the latter does border on religious fervor. So there’s that.
Need some good running shoes (for, like, when the locusts arrive because you keep talking smack about Good Friday)? There’s New Balance options for women (starting at just under $30) and for men (starting at around $50).
Question: Could you be depressed with these mixing bowls in your cupboard?
Answer: No. No, you couldn’t.
Question: Okay, how about if you owned these dishes? Could you be depressed then?
Answer: Possibly, but it would be a hip and arty depression, infused with ennui.
Amazon must have a ton of these Anolon sets, because it keeps showing up in the Friday Sale… but $180 for the complete professional set is a steal.
Please excuse me… I need a moment alone with this mixer. We’re just going to discuss the free slicer/shredder or grinder attachment you can choose to receive for free with purchase. Honest.
I officially love this Sanyo rice and slow cooker because it’s down to $88 and rates 4.5 stars, but unofficially I love it because one of the reviewers says “I think it’s made out of magic.” Hee.
This groovy flat iron would be a good starter for a teen who keeps stealing your fancy one. Ahem.
Mmmmm… Snackimals! With the Friday Sale price and Subscribe & Save, these come out to about $.50/serving, and they’re all natural. (Made from pampered organic grains that were never kept in a cage, dontchaknow.)
Don’t forget to check out the Friday Five—five MP3 album downloads for just $5 each, today only.
Also, put that chocolate bunny back in its hiding place. You bought those for the kids. Sheesh.
I have several goals in life. One is to use the word ennui in a sentence as much as possible. Good job!
Like Juli, I have a goal in life.
Mine is to find a FABULOUS housewarming gift for a dear friend who had an offer accepted on her first house yesterday!
Without spending big bucks. I know you can help me Mir, you’re looking so pretty today…
Maybe I could hide the chocolate bunnies in the rice cooker? OK, now it multitasks so it is totally worth the price.
I actually got into the Nerds Bumpy Jelly Beans……mmmmm
The kids have enough candy, right?
If I could find a way to justify those mixing bowls, I’d totally get them. Despite the fact that they do not go with my nice neutral toned kitchen at all.
Allllright you talked me into it! My friends swear by rice cookers and so I figured this was a good deal and got great reviews. A plus is that it will do hard boiled eggs, which is cool. Thanks for the info!
The KA mixer’s ice cream making attachment is on sale – wooooo!