It looks like the sale items at The Children’s Place have gone to 40% off, today. Woohoo! And don’t forget that you can use coupon code SA249 for another 15% off.
Someday, TCP will allow you to search sale items by size, and then my life will be complete. (As it is, I just assume that anything I want is out of stock in my kids’ size. I’m nearly always right!)
Bless you heart! I just grabbed sneakers for the twins and shorts for my beanpole son (how much do I love that cinch-y elastic thing inside their pants?) and not one thing was more than $9 in my cart. Rock on!
Dang it, Mir! I’m not supposed to be shopping my girl is in between sizes. These prices are insane.
YES…I am so glad I waited!!
you rock Mir!! 16 things for my 2 girls including dresses/shrugs/cute matching cheap purses for an upcoming wedding! for $93 shipped.
Thank you, thank you!! I bought my son 2 pair of pants, a pair of jeans and 2 shirts all for under $31.00 shipped!!
thanks, I have been waiting and WAITING for the sale prices to go lower. I just cant pay more than $4 for a little boy’s tee.
Because I dont have to!
Thank you!
Picked up 4 dresses, 2 pairs of tights, 2 pairs of shoes and 2 shirts for my twins for $30.00 shipped!!!! Awesome.
I got 5 long sleeved shirts, 2 shirt sleeved tees and 6 pair of undies for 33.55 shipped! WHOOT! You are so pretty Mir!
You are da bomb, Mir! I got my daughter a whole “slew” of puuuuurrrrrrty stuff for under $30!
Yep…I’m from the South “slew” and “purty” are real words here. 🙂
Thanks so much! I love your site and I sooo appreciate all the hard work you put into it. You have saved me more money than I can even remember. You ROCK!
How do the sizes run here? I don’t think I’ve ever shopped here….
Most of the pants/shorts run slightly large but have an adjustable waistband. Sirts are pretty true to size I think.
I have a full cart… again! 27 items for just under $100 for both kids, some for now, some for later… but I’m going to wait until tonight and see if anything goes out of stock as a way of attempting to spend less!!
14 items for $55 shipped–I am officially in love with you, Mir (or, erm, your website). I guess my kids are the right size, because mostly everything was still in stock!
Bless you, Mir! I just snagged a whole bunch of layering tees and some socks for $23 shipped. You are a goddess in my shopping pantheon.
Mir, you are my daughter’s favorite person right now. 😉
Mir, you can sort sale items by size. It must be a new feature.
Awesome! I just bought 30+ items for my three kids for $115. They are set for play clothes for the spring/summer. Thank you so much!
22 items for $83.02 shipped = AWESOME!!
That’s the second time today I have succumbed to one of your suggestions…got the Allure box and now Children’s Place. This is getting dangerous…
I finally caved – 17 items shipped for just under $55!