Swine flu got you down? Well, now that a few weeks have passed and civilization hasn’t collapsed as was previously predicted, maybe not. But you can still get in on the hysteria! How about a free flu facemask? It goes with every outfit, and is a bold fashion statement!
(Okay, I probably wouldn’t use this for… well… probably for anything. But if I was immunocompromised and had to fly, it might be a handy thing to have on the plane. Just saying.)
so cool.. Thanks Mir
That’s hilarious! I just ordered one Guessing it will come just in time for Little Guy’s birthday. 🙂
I work for a tour company that handles a lot of travel to Mexico. We’ve had quite a few of my coworkers headed down there over the past few weeks taking advantage of all the low prices and uncrowded spaces (too bad it’s killing our business). But the girl from the desk behind mine seems to have had the most fun on her trip this weekend, asking the bartender at the resort to create ‘flu shots’ for them. Now that’s the way to handle a media-induced panic. 😉