I guess there was enough grumbling last week that Amazon was sure to bring back the Friday Sale in a timely manner for today. Hooray! I feel so much calmer, now. I don’t like change. And it’s definitely time for Wapner.
There’s a variety of collegiate Crocs down to just about $15, depending on the size and school you choose.
Need some queen sheets? It’d be hard to go wrong with 600-thread-count for under $38. I’m just sayin’.
They’re calling this a 3-in-1 softie wrap, but we know the truth. It’s an Abominable Snuggie.
If you’ve been eying a retro-style dinette, the black set is down to $289 shipped, which is a steal.
There’s plenty of cookware on sale (again); go for either the Cuisinart chef’s classic set or the Anolon professional set if you want non-stick, or the Calphalon commercial set if you don’t.
The KitchenAid hand mixer is down to $57 today, and there’s an eligible $10 rebate, too. It’s not quite as good as a stand mixer, obviously, but I own this and love it. It froths up egg whites in nothing flat (the true measure of a good mixer, natch).
Okay, so, the ghd flat iron is the one that I own and whisper sweet nothings to, and I got mine on similar sale from Amazon, and have since received a severe tongue-lashing from my stylist about how Amazon isn’t authorized to sell these. Whatever. Mine works fine, but I guess there’s some risk in buying this way. You have to decide if the savings are worth it to you.
Wrongest product ever, with the best reviews ever. Please go read them. You will laugh.
Have a great Friday, everyone. And, um, don’t buy any leaky caskets.
Thanks for the laugh with those reviews. I’m still chuckling.
The part that really got me was Amazon’s Shipping Advisory, warning us the casket must be shipped separately from other items. What? They can’t shrink wrap it and fit it in the box with my books and cds?
Katie, I was thinking they could use it as the shipping container, filled with the other odds and ends ordered, and shrink wrap the entire thing. Maybe there’s some statute about using a coffin in an unprescribed manner.
Thanks for the laugh, Mir!
The electronics section looks a lot like office supplies…
WOW. Just wood glue? ‘Cause if the wood glue doesn’t hold up, that could result in a really traumatic funeral.
I like MomCat’s suggestion. I need a casket, some Kashi GoLean Crunch, paper towels, and a new blender.
How is there a risk in buying something unauthorized through Amazon? Does it void a warranty?
Rock on with the funny find, Mir. Thanks!
Too bad, gift wrap is not available for the casket… that just stinks… and I thought I had that hard to buy for birthday boy’s gift solved…. Shucks….
Sweet, the sheets came in king too – since we just got the mattress last night – perfect timing. (And I love Amazon Prime… )
I was really bummed that there was no “Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought” section on the casket page…
do it yourself coffin? think i just threw up in my mouth a little bit.
Coffins make great storage.
Ya know. For stuff other than bodies.
I’ve been looking for a new coffee table, and I think that coffin will work just fine! A real conversation piece, don’t ya think?
Question: What faiths have a NO METAL requirement?
BTW-excellent Rain Man reference
ghd flat irons are the trend in the UK. I’m going to buy one when I move, whee.
On a more serious note, has anyone read “The Household Guide to Dying”? Delia, main character, searched high and low for one like this.
But not so seriously, loved the reviews!
I have the 3-in-1 wrap, and it’s great. Warm and very soft. I would have rated it 5 stars, but the very first time I put it on one of the snaps pulled through.
It’s still great for the money, though.
Thank you – I laughed so hard I cried 🙂
A DIY pine casket is actually a very sound idea.
Too bad more people fall for the funeral industry’s marketing. Doesn’t matter what you bury dead aunt Sadie in…eventually, she’s going back to the earth. At least in a pine casket, she won’t be taking a $6000 environment atrocity with her into the ground.
Nothing says “You’re Special” like a coffin “hand constructed with love and care”! 🙂 Yikes!
Are they seriously selling that thing? Odd to say the least.
I think I like the coffin reviews even better than the ones for Bic pens. It’s a close call, though.
What? No used ones available? I mean in THIS economy? With our current eco-friendly mindset? It is real wood. It should last for at least 3 or 4 burials…