You only have until just before midnight tonight to enter this week’s contest, and possibly win either a cool Nintendo DS game or some psychedelic board shorts for your little guy.
You need to leave a comment on the contest post to be entered. Leaving a comment on this post is only useful if you’re overcome by the urge to tell me how pretty I am.
(And by “useful” I of course mean “useful only to me.” Just so we’re clear.)
Pick me! Pick me! EITHER ONE, please!
Ahem. Did I tell you how very pretty you are looking today, Mrs. Otto?
LOL@ Crista!! 🙂
Random Number Generator, be my friend!
My boys would love the DS game! Thanks!
You’re pretty. Even if it doesn’t help me win, I think it’s important to say it… 🙂
Oh, how I would love to give this to my little grandson
when he visits this summer.
Of course you are very pretty! And of course I will enter on the contest post and not here. After all, you stress it many times, how can it not be clear?!
pick me pick me!
DS please!! We have a very long car trip coming up soon!!
Oh, dear. Are some of these comments for real? How sad.
No, that wasn’t a giggle. Honest. Would I lie to someone as pretty as you are, Mir?
What do you mean, ‘snicker’?
Seriously, I didn’t want to enter the contest, but of course I can never pass up an opportunity to tell you how very pretty you are. Is that a new blouse? Oh, it’s jammies. Gotcha.
I entered on the right post cuz I knows how to follow directions real good. Just like my kids.
My son would love the DS game and it would keep him occupied for at least and hour during the summer.
I am a random number so Ms. Generator I am here for your selection. Thanks in advance for the DS Game.
You are soooo very pretty and nice, I know you would like me to win!
You are oh so pretty! Just thought I’d tell you that today, even though I entered on the correct post days ago because I know how to read and I can follow directions and I understand posting here will get me nothing but ridicule.
Chakolate is hilarious! “Oh, it’s jammies. Gotcha.”