Haaaaaaaa! I found the perfect Father’s Day present for any guy who’s ever urged someone to go ahead and have a mint, because it’s only “waffer thin!”
Check it out: Buy.com has the Complete Monty Python’s Flying Circus Collector’s Edition DVD set for just $44.97 shipped. (For comparison: It’s currently $80 at Amazon.)
It’s 21 discs of ridiculous fun. And you can, you know, say it’s for him and then watch it, yourself. Win-win!
YES! I have just made my husband’s day. 🙂
I ordered this for my dad. I just hope they ship it sooner rather than later, since I was too cheap to pay for faster shipping! Oh well, I guess I can always give him a copy of the receipt instead of the actual DVDs . . .
You rock Mir! Hubs has wanted this for a long time! I’m thinkin I just bought my first Christmas present! Can you have too many exclamation points?! No!! 🙂
Back up to $89. Humph!
“He says we already got one”
Heh. Can’t resist a good Python quote. Wish this deal had been around a few years ago when I coughed up $150 for the complete set. Dang.