What’s more fun than one contest? Two contests! Or three! Or… you get the idea. I’m going to tell you about today’s standard contest—it starts today, and will end on Wednesday—but there will actually be another contest later today, a different sort of contest, so you’ll want to come back for that one as well. Yay for extra contests!
Okay, back to this contest. The fine folks at Build-a-Bear have put together a little package for the 4th of July—the winner will receive the brand new Patriotic Pup, an exclusive Endless Summer of Hugs beach towel, and a $25 Bear Buck$® gift card to spend outfitting your new friend. (And yes, it does all come in one of those cute Build-a-Bear boxes with the air holes in it. So adorable!) Sound good? Of course it does!
All you need to do for a shot at winning is leave a comment on this post by 11:59 p.m. Eastern (8:59 p.m. Pacific) on Wednesday, June 17th, 2009 for an entry into the contest. Winner to be determined by random number generation and overall cuteness.
Hurry up and enter, and then check back for the next contest!
Cool-I always wanted to do the build a bear thing. Thanks, Mir!
fun– my little man would love to build a bear!! 🙂
My daughter recently lost her favorite stuffed animal, so she’d love this. Thanks!
My daughter has been asking for this patriotic pup since she first saw the ad. This would rock.
My kids would LOVE this! Thanks!
How fun!
Yay an excuse to go to build a bear!
Whee! Pick Me!
I’m tired of sewing up holes in my daughter’s current bear so count me in for this contest!
My daughter would love a build-a-bear especially if she can pick outfits for it.
Go B-a-B!
My daughter loves Build-A-Bear.
My kids are still build-a-bear deprived 🙂 Love to win this.
thank you Mir, count me in!
I hope I am not entering twice. The comment I thought I just left isn’t appearing. Thanks for another cute contest!
We love build a bear around here. Great website for the kiddos over the summer too. Great contest!
Count me in!
Looove it! Count me in!
You have great contests!
I have twin daughters getting ready for their 7th birthday and they love stuffed animals
Please?!?!? 😉
Cool — Build-a-Bear!
How exciting! I’ve never entered a contest this early! 🙂 My daugthers would love to win this!
Great contest!! My grandson would love this.
Awww…build a bear…they are so stinkin’ cute!
Sounds great! I’m in.
just the thing for my summer baby’s birthday! thanks, Mir
This would make my daughter SO happy!
My son loves stuffed animals! He. Would love this!
The only way my poor daughter will get a build a bear is if I win this one! She would be tickled!
Sounds adorable! Thank you!
Hmm, would me winning make up for never taking my daughter to Build-A-Bear despite all her begging??
sounds very cute..hope I win!
Thank you!
My son’s build a bear needs a friend (maybe one that belongs to me!)
My daughter loves loves loves her animals…I think a Build-A-Bear just might make her head explode. In a good way.
i’ve been wanting my 3yo to build a bear for some time now! this would be perfect. thanks!
Count me in!
Fabulous giveaway! I have three kids that will be fighting over this if I win! Thank you!
My girls have been asking to go to Build-A-Bear. This would really help that to become a reality! Thanks for the great contests, Mir!
love build a bear!
We love Build-A-Bear!
I’ve always wanted to go there! One of these days…
I love Build a Bear!
Gasp! I’m such a sucker for anything and everything patriotic!
Love Build-a-bear!
My girls love Build-a-Bear and I love your site!
Perfect for my daugher’s summer birthday!
I’m sure by winning A Patriotic Pup Build-A-Bear, my kids would automatically induct me into the Mom Hall of Fame, right? Thanks!
hoping we win
Please enter me!
ooo…pick me pick me!
Oh, we love Build-a-Bear so much!
My son would LOVE this!
This is great – pick me!
I will *always* enter a BAB contest!
Pick me!
Ooh – my daughter would flip out if I won this!
My Granddaughter would love this !!!!!
Pick me! My son would love this.
Sounds like good fun for the summer!
Fun! I have three little girls that would love this!
What’s better than a build-a-bear contest? Winning it!
I’ve always wanted to try Build-a-Bear!
My daughter would be all over this!
sooooooooooooo cute!!!!!
I’m probably not cute enough but you should see my peanut who would be the actual beneficiary! (Thanks for the chance!)
Awww… My daughter would love that!
My son would love this!
great contest! we love build a bear!
My 3 year old daughter recently visited build a bear for the first time – and fell in love with it! This would make a great birthday gift for her! Thanks!
Oh, my son would love a Build-A-Bear. Thanks for the giveaway!
Fun stuff! Thanks! Jessica
Daughter would like this
Oh, I have a little one who would love this!! Thanks!!!
Because OF COURSE we need another Build-a-Bear around our house. Enter me, please.
sounds like fun!
I have to try this build a bear thing. I mean…ugh…my kids do….!
My daughter *loves* build-a-bear but the closest one is hours away. It’s a special treat for her when we are traveling and she gets to go!
Sounds great – I’m in!
Just cleaned out my daughter’s rooms this weekend, so we need to refill! Build A Bear is so much fun, count us in!
PERFECT PERFECT PERFECT! A patriotic puppy for my Navy Brat kids who LOVE LOVE LOVE dogs!
My son loves flags, so this sounds like something he’d like too!
Count me in!
Very fun!!
ohhh cool!! This sounds so cool.. count me in on this one
sure, my daughter would love it
I don’t know how cute I am, but I hope the random number generator picks me!
My kids would just love this!
My little girl’s dream contest!
This would be perfect for my daughter’s July birthday — or my younger daughter’s August birthday… Thanks, Mir!
That would be great! My kids would love it.
My daughter loves anything stuffed and soft, perfect contest for her!
This would make for one very happy nephew and a cool aunt – please!
This would make my daughters week!
I would love to have this for my little grandaughter she just had a birthday and loves the build a bears…..Good luck to everyone.
My daughter is soooo into stuffed animals — she would love it!
Is today my lucky day…
Yippee for Mir and her rockin’ contests!
This is a fabulous giveaway!
I would love to treat the kids to a build a bear. Thanks, Mir!
Entering for my daughter who turns 9 just days after the 4th – this would be a fun gift.
How fun!
OOOOh. Build a Bear rocks!!!
My daughter frequently asks for one of these bears!
Oh, my daughter has been wanting to do Build A Bear for ages.
Another contest? Woo!
this is fabulous! my daughter turns 8 tomorrow!
We’ve never done Build-A-Bear. This would be fun!
Yes, please!
My daughter LOVES Build-a-Bear! Lots of fun…
Sounds cute!
My nephew’s birthday is right around the 4th and I’d love to give hime this.
Count me in!! 🙂
My son’s b-day is coming up, 7-6, he’d love it!
Oh! That would be perfect for my daughter’s 4th of July b-day!
My daughter would flip over this! Thanks for the chance to win!
This is a great prize! We’ve been hoping to take C to build-a-bear this summer.
My son has been begging to go to Build-a-Bear but I’m too cheap (ummm Frugal!) to go. If we had the $25 gc, I’d take him 🙂
My 8-year old daughter would love this! Thanks!
I have some little Build A Bear fan here. Thanks so much!
Now this I can get into!
I’m in!
It would be a blast to do with my daughter–special mommy/daughter time. Thanks!
Sounds like fun!
Oh me, me, me!!! My younger one’s b-day is on July 5 and the older one keeps begging to go to Build-A-Bear! This would be PERFECT!
4th fun at BAB?!?! My kids would love!
Oh, my son would love this. Pick me, lucky number generator!
pick me Please!!
My girls would love this!!
Cute! My kids would love this! 🙂
I would be the best Mimi ever!
We pink puffy heart Build-A-Bear over here!
Oooh! My son would love this….okay he’s only 8 months old….he’d still love it!
My kids would LOVE this!!!!
We’d love this!
Great prize. Would love to surprise my neice with this. 🙂
I’d love to win! #142 sounds lucky!
I’m sad to say we haven’t managed a build-a-bear yet. My kids would love this!
Oh sure… my youngest adores stuffies of all sorts and Build-a-Bear would be right up her alley, I’m sure.
This would give my daughter her much needed fix… she’s an addict, you know.
My boys would love this so much, we’d probably have to go build a second bear so we didn’t fight over it. 🙂
Please, please, pretty please pick me!!!!!!
Sounds super cute!
We would love this!
My granddaughter would love this, she loves to make military bears to remind herself of her dad !
My kids would go ape over this!!!!!
Yay build a bear!
What a fantastic prize! Pick me, please. GBaby would love this!
Hmm..my problem would be deciding which child it would go to?! Maybe me!
Pick me!
OH my 9-yr-old loves her some build-a-bear!
Yeah! Contests! My 9yr old daughter would just love her a build-a-bear!
thank you
We love build a bear!
This would be great for either of my daughters!
This will be perfect for some rainy summer fun!
We love Build a Bear!
My daughter would love this!
Berry Cool!
Thanks for another great contest
I would just LOVE to give this to my little grandson!
Thanks for another great give-w-away!
Pick me please! My son would love this.
How fun!
This is a beary cool contest..he he…see my play on words..beary cool..instead of very cool.
How much fun would that be. Thanks!
Fun, and my 2-year-old will need treats around July 4 with a new little one on the way.
Is it possible to have too many Build-A-Bears (or dogs)? I think not!
I think my son is finely old enough to enjoy build a bear. It would be fun to take him.
My 3 year old would love this!
My 8 year old would love this !!!!
can you ever have too many stuffed animals? My daughter has never built a bear in her whole entire 7 year life. I think that if we won this contest, she’s be the happiest 7 year old ever!
sounds fun!
We love Build a Bear!
Ooh! Jessica loves her teddies! Me, please!
We love Build a Bear!
Sure, why not have another stuffed animal?
We have only been to a Build-a-Bear knock off store to make a favorite stuffed animal (my daughter later named Donny after Donny Osmond), so this would be a way special treat to make the real thing this time. Maybe we could get a Marie. 🙂
We would be happy to give this pup a good home! Thanks!
pretty pup???????????????
I am a true blue Yankee Doodle Dandy and this pup would love coming to our patriotic home.
happy early birthday to meeeeeeeee
Oh – wow – perfect – my girlie would LOVE this!
Oh yay! I’d like to win!
My soon-to-be 6 year old just loves Build-A-Bear. What a nice little birthday surprise this would be!!
my girls would love it.
Wow – close to 200 entries in 4 hours – your contests have gotten so popular! I will enter once again, and not win once again, but that’s okay!
My little granddaughter would love this!! I never seem to win, but I keep trying!! Thanks.
One bear more for our collection, yeah!!!
My girls would LOVE this!
Sure- I’m sure my daughter will LOVE it!
My son loves sleeping with a stuffed animal.
My kids love BAB!!
We would love to win. Thanks.
Thanks for the chance
Cool. I have been wanting to initiate the little one to Build a Bear without paying the full on Build a Bear price.
My son’s birthday is on the 5th and this would be great!
Cool contest, Mir! Count me in!
My son’s birthday is the 6th and he would love a pup.
Love this!
I’m in
So cute! Thanks for the giveaway.
My son could always use another stuffed animal.
Would love it!!
Amazingly have never done build-a-bear, but know little guy would love it.
Love your contests!
Great prize!
Great contest! My kids love build-a-bear! Thanks!
Like I need an excuse to go to build-a-bear! 🙂
sounds like a blast!!
love it!
Love it
My daughter would flip out if we actually win this one.
DD has been begging for a build a bear for a while now….
oh. my. goodness. my girl would LOVE it!
This is a great contest!
I have two little girls who would be in heaven if we won this one 🙂
I would love to win this! My neices and nephews would love it!
Fabulous prize!
We would LOVE to win this!!!!
We <3 Build-a-Bear!
I entering for my friends’ kids, but it will take great willpower not to keep the prize for myself. 😀
I’m love to get this for one of my little kiddos I babysit for!
My daughter is making me enter…
Great gift for the kids. Would love to win.
i would love to win this…
Wonderful contest!!!
yay. Build-a-bear is one of our summer rituals. Bugman usually picks one for his birthday each year.
We LOVE Build A Bear.
I used to work in a mall store just down from a Build-a-Bear store and I loved watching the parade of boxes with airholes come by whenever someone had a party there- too cute!
We have never done a build a bear. We have one at the mall. Would love to try it. Thank you.
I so LOVE Build a Bear for my Granddaughter. And she so deserves it.
We have never done this so we’d love to win!
Thanks! 🙂
My niece adores Build-a-Bear. Thank you!
This Nana would love to have her very own bear!
Yay for Build A Bear! What an awesome giveaway… thanks for the chance at winning. =0)
My daughter would be thrilled!
My daughter will be your best friend if you pick us! 🙂
My girls would love this!
We just went to a birthday party at BAB. Whoa.
Love Build A Bear!! A must have for every kid! (and grown up) 🙂
Awesome contest! You rock!
with 4 kids, 8,7, twins 4 – have not made it to the closest store. as a matter of fact have not been to the inside of a mall in 4 years. pick me
We love love love build a bear!
My oldest daughter just bought one with her own money. I have 4 other kids. This would be great.
My son would LOVE this!!
Just in time for my little girls birthday…Awesome!! Thanks!!!
OH my kids would LOVE this one!
My little one would be so excited with this!
My daughter loves the horse she built at Build-a-Bear. I would love to be able to get something for my son, too.
Ooh, my daughter would love it!
Really? ? I feel like BABW should pay my kid for all of the advertising she does! We would love this too:)
My kids would love this!
How fun!! Thanks!
ooooh….my kids want a build-a-bear…the girl has one from babyhood, but the boy, alas, has none….
Please count me in!
B.A.B. Rules!!!!
We love Build A Bear – my kids have a whole collection of them!
I LOVE this kind of contest!
What a delight that would be for my daughter whose birthday is the week of 4th of July!
My kiddos would love this. Thanks!
Yay cuddly things!
My daughter would love this1
My 7-year-old would kill for some Build-a-Bear action.
So cute!
I have been promising to take my son to Build-A-Bear for months now. Everytime we pass by it he asks to go in and I keep telling him we’ll go for his birthday…which is in November. He would FLIP for a trip there!
Nothing beats a build-a-bear!!
This would be such a fun surprise for my little guy.
This would be such a fun surprise for my kidlet 🙂
My little guy would love this!!!
Oh man, you sure know the way to my daughter’s heart.
I would share with my son 🙂
You have the BEST contests…hands down! 🙂
We have wanted to take our oldest daughter there for a while now, so this would be great!
Totally awesome.
Whoooo hoooo!!
Sweet contest!
OOOHHHHH how my daughter would love this! My kids do not have Build A Bears and have always wanted to go!
I looooove build a bear!(did you know they make the list of one of the best companies to work for? they even let people bring their pets to work at corporate. Mope I don’t work for them though– although I wouldn’t mind)
This number is the winner!
My daughters Birthday is in August and this would make me the super duper bestest mommy!
I want to do it! : )
Awww, she wants a doggy so much, and this kind is the only kind she’ll get! 😉
Fun, Fun, Fun! Sigh me up please!
Love build a bear!
Would love to win this. 🙂
I’m feeling lucky. 🙂
My grandson needs a new beach towel
My kids love these bears!
We love Build-a-Bear! Thanks for another great contest!
My daughter would love this!
My son would go nuts for this!
How sweet! I love build-a-bear!
Yay for Build a Bear. 🙂
We love build a bear!
Always wanted to try Build-a-Bear with the kids, this would be great!!!
Great contest! Thanks for posting!
My little girl is dying to go to Build-A-Bear but I just got laid off…This would be awesome to win….
Grandkids would love it!
My kids want this!
my youngest wants this too…pick me, random number generator!
DD would love this! 🙂
oooh I love Build a Bear as much as the kids!
Did you know that my elementary school (Roosevelt) was named after Teddy Roosevelt and not, as is generally assumed, after FDR? And did you know (betcha you do) that teddy bears are named after my school’s namesake? And *that* is why I think the Random Number Generator should pick me, of course.
Sounds like fun! We haven’t done the Build-A-Bear thing yet!
OMG my daughter would love a build a pup.. so she can at least have a pup that is her own, since we cannot get a real one at this time.
We were just talking about taking our 2 year old to build-a-bear soon. This is perfect!
I’d love to be entered!! You’ve got such fun contests 🙂 Love you, Mir!!
Now which one of my 6 kids would get this?
My son would love this! Random generator, please pick me 🙂
This would be great!!! Amelia just gave up her pacis and this would be a nice treat.
I keep getting bugged to go here, sooner or later I will have to give in…this would help. Thanks for the chance
build-a-bear is always fun:)
So cute, hope I win!
Have 4 BAB lovers here…one of them would love it!!
Love it!!
🙂 Yeah, Build a BEAR!
Love it!
love to win!
I think I’m eligible. Would love to win something soft and cuddly, as I’m mad at my husband, today. 😛
My kids would fight over it, but I’d be willing to referee!
My niece would love this!
We loves us some Build-a-Bear
This would be a great treat for my niece!
Build-A-Bear! My daughter asks almost every day if we can go there…
Sweet Mir,
My son would do a cartwheel to win one of these.!!!!
bearoholics here!! Pick us!!!
This has my God-daughter’s name written all over it!!
Please pick me!!!
My daughter has been begging to go build a bear! This would definitely make it worth the 30 minute drive out to the super busy mall.
Great contest! Thanks, Mir!
We just tried to have my son’s birthday at BAB and couldn’t book it – this would make him so happy!
I think this would really make my niece happy.
I love building bears, and so does my son.
Build me a bear, please!
this would be a fun summer treat!
I’d almost rather shop for my daughter’s bear than myself. So many cute options!
I love Build a Bear!!!!!
Enter me please.
My kids love Build-A-Bear, this is a great contest!!
me me me!
I’m in too!
My granddaughter would fall in love with this bear!!!
great! Thanks!
Got a little one with a birthday coming up (course with 3 kiddos, we always have a little with a b-day coming up)…
My daughter has been wanting one of these forever. Thanks Mir!
We LOVE Build A Bear! Thanks!!
I’ve always wanted one for myself…. *blush*
My bear needs a friend…
count us in for build a bear!
Pick me!
Fun! Love BaB!
We love Build a Bear!
bring on the bear!
Yep Yep!
what a fun contest! Thanks!
My kids love Build a Bear!!!!!
This number is the winner!
Can’t wait – thanks!
A patriotic pup…that’s the best kind!
That’s a cute pup: I know a cute boy who would like him.
Build-a-Bear is SO much fuN!
My little girl with a birthday coming up would LOVE this! 🙂 Thanks!
This would be so fun for us!
Sounds great!
this would be a great birthday gift!
Oh, would the beauties love this!!!
My little boy would love this!
You know I thought this might be a nice B’day gift for Baby Girl, but decided if I win the one who would appreciate it more would be College Girl.
I LOVE Build-a-bear 🙂
I’ll bite!
My 3 year old has never uttered one peep about not having her own Build-a-Bear, although my 7 year old prances around with hers very proudly. Would love to reward my well mannered youngest with one of her own. Even Steven. 🙂 Thanks for the opportunity to win! 🙂
Throwing my hat in the ring…….DD has been begging to go back to Build-a-Bear…..!
meeeeeeeeeee! I have a kid here who LOVES build-a-bear!
oh pick me pick me ahem, I mean pick my daughter!
Oh how I would love to win this for my little guy!
Pick me!
Pick me! 😀
Yeah! We love build a bear!
either of my two would love this!
pick me !!
I love that patriotic pup! Thanks!
I have a daughter who would love to get a patriotic pup!
Our BIG 4th of July BBQ needs a mascot!
Ooh, pick me pick me! Please!
Oooh ooh, ME! ME ME ME!
This would make me soooo popular at home…
oh pick me please
My son would love this!
My kids would be fighting over this one for sure!
please oh please can we win random number generator? I promise to whisper sweet nothings about you….
my little man would love this!
What an awesome contest! My daughter loves build a bear… although we never invest in the clothes because “Moooommmmmmy, bears don’t wear CLOTHES.”
Our kids would love this. Fingers crossed.
Ooooh, my daughter would be so excited!
My younger son has informed that he has never gotten to go to Build-A-Bear, so this would be an awesome prize!
We love Build a Bear! I have 11 grandchildren and this is one of my favorite gifts to get them. Thanks for this opportunity.
oh fun! thanks!!
Would love to get this for my daughter! Thanks for the great contest!
Lucky number 413!
So cute 🙂
Woo Hoo!! Hip Hip Hooray For the 4th of July, Build A Bear and Mir!!
What a great activity to do with my grandaughter!
My kids would love this!! And I would too!! 🙂
My 8 yo dd would be estatic! 😀
Count us in! 🙂
Enter me, please! I have a little guy with a 5th birthday coming up!!
Awesome, count me in!
Oh my son would LOVE this!
Pick me, pick me!
Pick me!
We NEED more stuffed animals around here. Seriously. We do.
We LOVE Build a Bear around here!
Bears-a-plenty at our house, but we need another one!
Pick me, please!
love love LOVE build a bear!!
We would love an excuse to go visit Build-a-Bear!
Count me in!
Ooh, I love Build A Bear!
My son would love this. He is obsessed with that store.
please pick me!!
Well, if we get one more stuffed animal in this house, it may actually explode, but my daughter wouldn’t care, as long as it meant she got to go to Build-A-Bear. Count me in!
oh! YEAH! We love that place! PICK ME! PICK ME! PLEASE………………
sign me up! bears & building – what fun!
oh, i would love to take my son to build-a-bear. pick me please!
My son has never done this..It would be fun!
I could use a smile tonight.
too cool!
Gray would love this!
With over 400 entries, I don’t stand a chance. but I have a Build-A-Bear fiend living here, so here’s hoping. =)
pick me!
My daughter would love this – thanks, Mir!
Ooh, my daughter would LOVE this! I’ve been wanting to take her to Build-a-Bear forever!
My daughter would love this!
Thanks Mir!
Enter me!
We love Build a Bear!
Spectacular! My kids love Build-A-Bear…and they’re patriotic!
Oh, we’ve never been to Build-a-Bear! My son would love it.
Yay for Build A Bear!