gDiapers deal, because my readers are pretty

By Mir
June 25, 2009

Lovely Want Not reader Rebecca has a great deal to share with y’all; she is a gMum with gDiapers and therefore gets special coupons with them. (I suspect this means Rebecca is part of the Diaper Mafia, but I adopt a “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy when it comes to good coupons.) (Kidding about the Mafia.) (Mostly.)

If you’re unfamiliar with gDiapers, they’re basically a combination of cloth/disposable diapers (reusable wraps over disposable liners). Normally their 6-pack of everyday g’s costs $70, but if you use code g867Vnuk, you’ll get $30 off and receive six pairs of gPants for just $40. That’s my kind of savings.

Just keep in mind that you also need to buy liners and stuff, too, but that’s no biggie after the $30 you saved, right? Right.

Thanks so much, Rebecca!


  1. Thank you Rebecca! (& Mir) You all tempt me so. I love gdiapers (with prefolds for stuffers) and have to remind myself that I no longer have two in diapers, one is nearly potty trained (wahoo!) and am not constantly looking for more diapers anymore.
    but anyone who does cloth or has thought about gdiapers, should jump on this price, it is great. and I find them to be trimmer than many cloth.
    anyway, just wanted to register my love and appreciation 🙂

  2. I also am a gMum. My code is g786Masi. Definitely pick up this deal before July 31.

Bargain Hunt





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