Need some paint for a small project? Glidden is giving away free quarts of paint today while supplies last. No catch, no strings.
Alternatively, a quart of paint is probably enough to do, say, one wall. Pick something pretty!
Need some paint for a small project? Glidden is giving away free quarts of paint today while supplies last. No catch, no strings.
Alternatively, a quart of paint is probably enough to do, say, one wall. Pick something pretty!
Thanks, Mir!
Thank you! I’ve been meaning to get some paint for a piece of furniture. Free is the best price!!
Rock on! I may paint some furniture with this. And considering that it’s as hot as the surface of the sun here (106 yesterday), that I don’t have to go out to get it is even better.
Thank you so much! I told my neighbors, too.
You’ve got a few days, I think. The ad in our paper said for one week (starting today)
sweet! I had an accent wall that needed painting in my kitchen – fabulous!
Thanks Mir! With the help of my Dad and Brother ordering I’ll have 3 quarts to paint my daughter’s room Violet Shimmer:O) For FREE!
I can’t decide what to paint so I can’t decide what color to get! Gah! (I know, I have huge problems)
Sweet, sweet paint. Thanks!
Seems like their website was overloaded, the page doesn’t load!
After the Great Paint Debacle of ’03 my husband makes me buy a quart for test purposes before committing to an entire gallon.
Thanks to him ordering one too I’m getting two free “samples.” And an excellent way to bring up the need to paint our den. Again.
Give it a few minutes, Susan. I had to reload the page once.
Thanks! I got a sample that might make son#1 happy.
BTW–Offer good thru July 2, per the website.
Hmmm.. wondering about The Great Paint Debacle of ’03, but perhaps it’s best not to “go there”.
I selected dazzling daffodil. I love yellow!!!!
awesome deal! quick hint – this is eggshell finish, if you prefer something with a glossier finish, just slap on a little bit of polyurethane-esque lacquers on top of it all, esp if you want satin enamel or what not.
between friends and family I now have 6 quarts of cobalt blue coming to me (eventually). Hello new bedroom color!
Mine just got delivered. It came SO much faster than expected. Thanks again!!