Neither rain nor sleet nor snow nor a ridiculously early alarm while working our way up the east coast can keep me from my appointed Friday Sale rounds, people. That’s dedication! Or obsession. Take your pick.
I don’t really believe these lights were originally $269 (price inflation much, Amazon?), but $50 for the pair is still a pretty sweet deal.
I can’t decide if my favorite part about this Neverlate alarm clock is its ambition name, all the bells and whistles, or the fact that it’s eligible for the 4-for-3 promotion. You know, in case you need four $45 alarm clocks.
Need a spare queen bed for around $100?
I’m not usually a crystal pitcher kind of gal, but this Lenox pitcher would be a lovely wedding gift for under $30. (Pair it with the suggested goblets and you’ll look really generous.)
When you’re really serious about making Belgian waffles, $69 for that one is actually a good idea. Frankly, I don’t know that I’ve ever been that serious about breakfast food, but to each her own.
I’ve never had this Goji juice (nor any of the other varieties in the sale today), but I gather it’s pretty expensive, normally, and between today’s sale, Subscribe & Save, and coupon code GOJIJUIC, it comes out to under $2/bottle. If it’s the miracle product it purports to be, that’s a good deal. If it’s just overpriced juice, well, then it’s just slightly-less-overpriced juice. You’re welcome.
$80 for this Panasonic Vortex razor is not bad. Particularly if you drink Goji Juice while shaving. (Okay, I made that last part up. Has anyone seen my coffee…?)
Don’t forget to check the Gold Box for more goodies; today’s deal is the Ocean’s trilogy (mmmm… George Clooney and Brad Pitt…) for just $17 on DVD or $37 on Blu-ray, and who knows what goodies await in the Lightning Deals later today.
I’m off to… stare out the window. I think we’re in Maryland. But it’s my job to yell “Welcome to Pennsylvania!” once we cross the state line, so I need to be ready. Truly, my husband would be unable to make this trek without me. Moral support, and all.
Have a great Friday, everyone!
the bed link isn’t working….
that pitcher is GORGEOUS!
And $17 for the Ocean’s Trilogy is fantastic!
WELCOME TO PENNSYLVANIA. oh wait, I’ve been here a while…
I don’t think I was up that early. 🙂
Hi Mir! I’m in MD, can u hear me?
Welcome to New Jersey! are you coming our way?
The bed link had an extra slash creep in… look in the address bar, where it says .com//dp, delete one of the slashes.
The Goji link goes to a waffle maker. Safe driving!
I live in MD. I waved to you as you drove by!