I am at this very moment headed towards the campground where we’ll spend most of this week. We are loaded up with camping supplies, food, and—of course—books. I don’t know why books are better when read outside, but I’m pretty sure it’s a proven scientific fact that they are. I have a giant bin of excellent camping books with me, but maybe you are headed to the beach and need some beach-appropriate reading. I have it on good authority that today’s contest offers up a trio of books that are “as dishy as books can get!”
Sound good? Five lucky Want Not readers are going to win three fabulous books by Elin Hilderbrand: A Summer Affair, Barefoot, and her brand-spanking-newest release, The Castaways. It’s everything you need for a perfect beach getaway! Except the beach. And the food. And the rest of your stuff. Okay, fine, you probably still need reservations and a suitcase and stuff, but these books will make your trip even better.
For a chance to win one of the five Elin Hilderbrand bundles, first go read the contest rules and regulations, then come back here and leave a comment on this post by 11:59 p.m. Eastern (8:59 p.m. Pacific) on Wednesday, July 1st, 2009 to be entered into a random drawing. Winners to be determined via random number generation and overall dishy-ness.
Ready? Go!
I would love to win this prize!!
I love books!
me me me!
Oooo, me! I love me some books!
Please please!
I need a few good reads to help pass the time at the pool while my daughter swims!
I always need new books!
Huzzah! More books!
It must be destiny, we are headed to the beach in July.
Pick me, please!
I need some books for the beach! Thanks, pretty Mir.
Don’t know that I’ll actually get to read them at the beach…but I have declared this the summer of the book!
not going to the beach (boo hoo) but being dragged to the mountains instead. 10 hr drive up and back! Would love a book blessing! ♥
Thanks Mir!
I need some good, escapist reading. Thanks!
Really jonesing for some good reads right now, and I can’t wait for Joss’ new book to keep the gears greased. (Sorry, Joss.) Would love to try a new author as well!
I would love to win some beach reads – maybe then I will get to go to the beach? Thank you!
Would love some new reads!
I don’t have a beach, but I do have the backyard and a lounge chair next to the kiddie pool. Close enough..
I love books!
Ohhh! Pick me! Pick me!!
Count me in!
I am ever so dishy! Thanks for the contest, Mir.
platters, bowls, plates, and ramekins: that is as dishy as i know how to be.
Ooh! books!
<3 books!!
Books! Oooh, how I do love a good book at the beach.
I’m an avid reader!
i would love to pull out my blanket and read in my park. 🙂
I heart BOOKS!!!
Dishy books especially love me.
Count me in, I love to read!!
cool giveaway!
My kids are actually old enough now that I might be able to actually read a whole book!!! Pick me!!!
yeah! more books!!!
ooooh this is one I’d love to win, thank you random number generator thingy
“She who dies with the most books wins.”
Oh those sound like fun!
Oh, I’d LOVE for a few new books to read!
Yay for summer reading!
Yea, contests! Yea, books! Yea Mir! Yea, Random Thingy!
(Ok, now that I’ve sucked up enough: Pick ME!)
Looks like perfect beach material!
Thanks, Mir!
Yes please
books please!
I’ve read (and reviewed) A Summer Affair, but I’m sure I could handle a reread. She’s a great author: count me in!
I would love some good new books!
This would be exceptionally perfect to win – I have a week at the beach house coming up! 🙂
Ooh, books! I love books! Count me in…
Camping in a few weeks (no internet access for me) and I love to read outdoors. Actually, I love to read anywhere, but outdoors is especially nice.
I wanna win!
me please
Fun stuff! Thanks! Jessica
Definitely needing some beachy reads!!
Sounds good to me!
Sounds great – thanks for the chance!
We love to camp in the summer and just got back from a week at the lake………thanks for the chance!!!
Awesome, books, pretty please!
I love a good book!
I haven’t read any of her books…but they sound great. Thank you for the chance to win them.
I’m not sure that I need more books, but I’m sure I might find some time to read them.
Me, please, I need some good reads…
I need new pool books!
Did someone say “book contest?”
Count me in! 🙂
Oh, books! For when I’m sitting on the couch nursing a newborn all summer long…
Great prize for the summer. I love books….thanks.
I’d love some books! Count me in.. thanks.
books, books books, sounds great!
I would love some new books that I did not have to worry about returning quickly to avoid a late fee!
PS. Congratulations for a) leaving MA before the Turnpike tolls skyrocket to cover the gaping budget deficit and b) thank you for not linking any Michael Jackson deals!
I’d love them!
I would love a new book.
books are great. Books are good. Books keep us from getting bored.
I need some new beach reads!
I am an avid reader. Count me in please. 🙂
Hope it’s me…
I’m always looking for a new author!
Camping is our family time. Luckily we have a 30ft camping trailer (no tent thank goodness). With three kids you need distraction…Books Books….
Pick me (please)!
I love new books! Thanks!!
Always love a good book!
Me, Please!
Oh, I love her books! Please!
She is a great summer beach read author….hope I win!
I LOVE to read and need some new books! Pick me, pick me & you are very pretty 🙂
I’m in!
Books! Yay!
I’m very random — pick me!
I need a few new summer reads, pick me please! 🙂
Sounds great.
It’s finally summer in Boston, I could use something to read!!!
Love books!
Mir, I’m leaving Friday MORNING for the beach! Can I win and then have them overnighted to Oklahoma on Thursday? Just kidding. I guess if I win, they’ll just have to be for later. But going to the library is on the pre-vacation list for this week’s lunch hours. (I hear you don’t get those when you work from home, is this TRUE?)
Good books make the summer so much nicer. I need more good books!
Moms need their summer reading, too!
I love books!
We are going on a 2 week camping trip in August! Those books are exactly what I need!
If I win, it’s the perfect excuse to make reservations!
Books rule. Of course, we knew that.
Oh, yummy, summer reading!
Winning would be the cat’s pjs!
I love books so much I could eat them, but I won’t!
I am so in need of some beach reading!
yay! books!
I want the books, if only to learn the true meaning of the word “dishy-ness.”
yay books!
My best friend RAVED about Barefoot. Please, please pick me, oh random number generator thingy!
Me, Me Me!
My library doesn’t have ANY of Elin’s books and I’m dyin’ here!
Thanks for the great contest, Mir!
Have fun in the woods!
pick me please
Man, my mom is a voracious reader! Help me set her up!
LOVE books– thanks!
Always looking for more books!
Me, please!!
I LOVE books and reading on the beach! Thanks Mir!
I need a new book!!!
sign me up!
Sounds good to me!
Reading outdoors is so much better! Thanks!
Sounds great!
I hope you have a blast at the beach and I hope I win!
I have my beach trip planned for August but will be through with the books I have now by then – so please pick me to win some more!
Oooh, I’d love some new reading material!
I would love some new books, although I’m not planning a trip to the beach. After spending the last few weeks in the Louisiana heat (97-103 degrees every day), I just might plan a trip to Alaska!
Fingers crossed!!
I. Love. Books.
I almost got one of her books out of the library last week but figured I should wait, since I already had a pile to borrow. This would be great!
Beach trip planned with Grandma…I can picture it already…Grandma and my son can enjoy some time together and I could enjoy some precious reading time! Sounds like a dream!
Yes Please!!!!!
Ooooh! Sign me up!
I love books of any sort!
Me please!
Books Rock!
Please pick me!!
I would love some good books for vacation.
Books!!! Yay!
If I enter at least 300 of your contests, bound to win one of them, right? I love reading, especially lounging in the sun with a bottle of beer and the kids playing in the firepit nearby.
I second what Nicole say… i will eventually win…riiigh? Reading.. good way to step into a diff world for a bit. =D
Summer reading, I love it, now if it will only stop raining…
Reading outdoors is the best!
YOHOO!!! Something fun to read!
Gotta love books! Thanks, pretty Mir.
The way to my heart is through books (which my husband knows fully, lucky man), so I can’t resist this one!
Thanks, Mir!
Yes! Books! Please 😀
This would be great!
awesome giveaway!
Have the pool, sprinklers and slide set up for the kids this summer….. what about me…(slightly whining)
Ohh How Cool.. Hope this is my lucky day!!
I’m going camping soon…this would be perfect!!
I love books!! 🙂
I absolutely love to read!! pick me!!
Love reading those summer beach books, and my daughter just moved to Navarre Beach in Florida, so I need something to read on my next trip. I might even share with her!
I love books!!
Great giveaway! I’d love some new reading material for summer vacation! 🙂
Bring it on!
Yeah, my kids have a summer reading program, I need some new books to help me along, too! Thanks for the chance to win!
pick me! :o)
Oh, I love a good book!
I could use a few good summer reads! Thanks for the chance!
Please count me in – I can always use more good books!
Oooh…bookies! Although Joshilyn has about ruined me for finding authors who can develop characters as AWESOMELY as she does. (sigh)
I love her books! Thanks!
Free books! Free books! Free books!
I love books, and free ones are awesome!
Beach Books Rock!
Ooh. Nothing better than books, no question! Hope I win!
I’m in!
Maybe reading these will make up for not having a beach vacation this year.
Books are great!
I’m leaving in 6 weeks to go to the beach.. I have room for one more book 🙂
me I’ve got a long flight to CA coming up in Aug!!
New to the blogs, love em’. Love em’ even more if there was a book involved 🙂
Choose me!!! 🙂
I’m in! Thanks Mir!
I love books! Your prizes are always so fun! Thanks for the opportunity, Mir.
Books! Books! Books!
Sign me up! Sooner or later the random number generator will pick me… Thanks Mir!
summertime and the reading is easy…
My birthday is Wednesday so maybe I will be a lucky winner!
Love to read….randomly pick me!
Have I told you how pretty you look lately?
Books … summer … bliss
OMG – free beach reads!!!! I am so excited at just the thought of free books. Especially escaptist fiction.
My dish? That I so need an escape – my job is hell. Oh wait – that isn’t interesting to anyone but me and my poor family who is suffering. Also? Not funny. Sorry.
ooooh….summer reading! Love it!
Pick me oh random one.
I can never have too many books!!
Looking for some good books after finishing the Twilight series! Sounds like great summer reading!
Books I don’t have to give back to the library? Sign me up!
I read “Barefoot” last summer and I loved it, and I’ve reserved “A Summer Affair” at my library.
I’d love to win this contest!
Not sure if they’re my style, but I love reading and . . wait! Free IS my style!
I would love these books!
Call me book-ish.
Would love to win these books!
Pick me please!
You think label makers make us excited? Try free books!
Summertime reading is the best!
These sound great!
Sounds great!
i would love to read them!
I need beach books!
You can never have enough books to read in the summer…or winter
Sound like great beach books!
Can always use more books!
I love to read and need a new book! Please pick me!
I’m with you – books outside are just better!
Please pick me, thanks!
Great reads for the porch swing on a nice summer day !!
These will be perfect for my stay-vacay! Hope I win!
Love, love, love books!!
I hope this is entry is my lucky number.
Thanks for such a great contest!
Going camping myself soon and DESPERARTELY need some good books to read, while I enjoy the mountains!! Thanks for doing this!
Pick me!! Headed to Key West in a few weeks and I need a good book or a few ;-)!!
Thank you!
I agree. Books are better when read outside. Beside water is even better. Please give me a new book for my summer reading.
We would love some new books. Thanks.
oh how i would love to have some new books!
Me please!
Summer book reading is awesome–as is Mir!
Finally, my children are old enough that I can read without having to be interrupted every 5 minutes. I would love to have some new books to read!
Count me in!
I agree with you completely……books are always better when read outside!
I love to read and what better way to spend the hot summer days!
Books are great!
advid reader!!!
Will be camping in a month and need reading materials!
I hope these are as good on the sofa as the beach 🙂
Please. and thank you.
Can always use new, fun reads! Thanks!
I would love to win a prize
I love to read!
Hubs forcing me to “weed my collection” this summer, will need replacements so the shelves don’t look empty!
Who doesn’t love books? No one, that’s who. At least no one at our house. Thanks for the chance to win.
I would love to have some new reading material!
Pick me! Thank you.
I’m in!
Count me in for this one! Thanks
Me please!
These are on my paperbackswap wish list, so if I win, someone else can have my spot and I will post them to help a second person…see, three people win if I do (per book, total of 7 since I can’t count thrice).
I can always use new books.
I can always use a new book.
Thanks for counting us in! 🙂
I am always interested in finding new writers…pick me not your nose…tee hee
Pick me please….
Ooh yes! I would love some good beach reads.
Me please…
It’s true, books ARE better when read outside. I would love to win these!!
I REEEALLY NEEEED (read with a nice whine) some new reading.
I love books…free books are better…plus it’s always nice to win something!
Love some books!
oooh, i need new books!!!! count me in.
A little escape reading sounds nice! Thanks.
I’d love these!
Thanks for the chance to win these!