Five of you are about to be three books happier. Three George Dawes Green books happier, in fact. Are you one of the winners? Maybe! Let’s find out!
The random number generator has selected our lucky winners, and they are: Karen (commenter 51), Katherine (commenter 189), Tiffany (commenter 11), Jenny (commenter 149), and Katie (commenter 88). Congratulations, winners! Please check your email!
Big thanks to all who played, and special thanks to our pals at Hachette Books for being so very generous with the prizes. There is no better way to win me over than free books. Except maybe free shoes. (Oh! If someone wants to offer free shoes filled with free books, then we’d really be on to something!)
If you didn’t win this time, do not fret! There are always more prizes and contests coming up. In fact, my shelves are starting to get crowded, again, so we may be having regular weekend contests as well, pretty soon. So come on back for more chances to win.
“We’re sorry but your recipient may not reside in Colorado, Louisiana or Tennessee.”
Really? You fail Starbucks…. /cry
Oops, wrong post -_-
Holy cow!* (*Not the exact phrase that came out of my mouth. Trying to keep it PG for you.)
Thank you so much, Mir! I’ve been entering your contests for ages, hoping to win, not actually expecting to. I was shocked and thrilled to get your email that I won the books. This totally made my crappy day so much better.
Thank you to the random number generator & the pretty one.
free shoes filled with books… things dreams are made of! *tingles*
Thanks so much, Mir and Hachette Books!