Good morning! I’m loading up the camper. Again. Please shop for me while I’m gone.
Hooray—I love a chance to avoid the mall—Old Navy is offering free shipping on your $75+ order with coupon code FREE75 through July 29th, 2009.
This weekend only, take 20% off any size order at with coupon code LKS17189. (Looks like there’s a coupon on the site for 30% off if your order is $199+, too, so this is a good time to buy the shoes and equipment for upcoming fall sports.)
Enjoy $.99 shipping on clearance items at Macy’s this weekend! Just use code 99CENTS.
There’s all kinds of deals this weekend at, including Via Spiga shoes which are so, sooooo pretty…. Oh, excuse me. I drooled a little on the keyboard, there. Ahem.
Over at Sierra Trading Post, spending $100+ will get you 20% off your entire order, automatically, through that there link.
They’re wrapping up movie week in the Amazon Gold Box, with a slew of collections available on the cheap, today.
There’s going to be a contest later on today, so do check back. (Whoops, I did a teaser for the wrong contest, before. Gah. Need More Coffee.) I’m feeling musical today….