Oh, I’m digging today’s Amazon Gold Box deal—it’s Dance Dance Revolution Hottest Party 2 with Dance Mat for the Wii. Think of the hours of fun! Think of the exercise!
Think of the videos you can make of your children and later show to their prom dates! I’m giddy.
(The fact that it’s just $35 shipped today is the icing on the cake….)
Thanks Mir! The kids have been wishing for a dance game for the Wii. Now just have to decide on weather to buy them Wii Resort for Christmas, or buy it for myself for now.
From what I’m reading, it appears that 3rd party mats won’t work with this (as an additional mat for multi-dancer use). Does anyone have any knowledge about this? Thanks 🙂
Now, I think I could do THAT for exercise . . but only if I could pick the music. I suspect they don’t have any options I like in that department, as my preferences are generally not considered danceable. 😉