Have you been looking for a waterproof camera case for your DSLR and accoutrements? Check out this waterproof sling bag by MADE; I have no idea if it’s fabulous, but it is waterproof, and at under $33 shipped, the price certainly is right.
Especially if you need to take your lenses in a kayak with you. (Seriously, check out the user photos. I have apparently led a very sheltered life.)
When I go kayaking with my camera, I keep it in a dry bag when it’s not in use. As the name implies, these keep the camera equipment dry. They also float. I use a short length of rope to leash the camera to the boat; in case of a capsize ( while I’m not using the camera ) there will be less impact if the boat doesn’t push the camera into the water.
I’m currently looking into getting a DSLR camera – could you or your other lovely fans offer some suggestions? I’m not exactly tech-savvy, but I want something more than point ‘n click to take pics of my little one.
Thanks in advance!