Just when I think I can’t stand this week for another second… it’s suddenly Friday. And that means it’s time for the Amazon Friday Sale, and prices are good and all of the cartoon animals emerge from the forest to help me iron my clothes and mop the floor!
Um. Okay, maybe not the part about the animals. But the rest is true, I swear.
I point out this photo holder every time it’s on sale. I just think it’s a really fun way to display pictures. And today it’s $17 and eligible for the 4-for-3 promotion.
Thinking about turning your kitchen into a 50’s diner? I’ve got just the dinette for you!
A summer of doing freezer processing with the bounty from my garden has me rethinking learning how to can… and I’ve got my eye on this pressure cooker/canner, because at around $68, that’s the lowest I’ve seen it go.
Okay, this one isn’t that great of a deal, I don’t suppose (and pay attention if you decide to buy it, because it defaults to a different seller, which only saves you a couple of bucks off Amazon’s price once you figure in shipping), but holy heck I want this Farmyard Waffler. Because nothing says “I love you” like waffles shaped like cows and roosters.
Love meatloaf? Hate grease? I love this Anolon meat loaf pan set that allows you to pick the meatloaf right up out of grease. Brilliance. And only $15, and eligible for the 4-for-3 promotion. (No, you probably don’t want four of them. But you can mix and match eligible items.)
My kids totally think they’re getting away with something when I buy them Koala Crisp, which is basically a gluten-free, organic version of Cocoa Pebbles. Buy it on Subscribe & Save today at the Friday Sale price and it comes out to about $2.50/box. I don’t know about your local supermarket, but mine charges about $4.50/box for this. We’ll be stocking up.
Today’s Gold Box Deal is a spiffy new-style Roomba, one that makes my older generation Roomba feel sad and inadequate. Sigh.
And now, I’m off to make some more coffee. From pods I bought in a past Friday Sale, natch.
I’ve been going back anc forth, vacillating between “yes, I need a pressure cooker” and “No, I’ll get a dehydrater instead” and “Forget it, I’ll just freeze everything.” Maybe this time I need to compare Amazon’s price with Fleet Farm. This could be it.
I keep ASKING for the Roomba. Why oh why does my husband not get me one?
I’ve got that waffle maker…and it does make the world’s most adorable farmyard waffles. Especially tasty with strawberries and whipped cream. YUM.
If you buy the pressure cooker a tip is that it can be useful for more than canning. I use mine for a lot of other cooking, it’s smaller than this one. Particularly good for stuff like lentils and soups. It even cooks food like rice, and potatoes that need boiling much faster than in a regular pot and I believe it’s supposed to be healthier too.
Now I’m just picturing those waffles with corn muffins from my cast-iron pan that makes them like sleeping kittens!