In case you haven’t noticed, your kids grew approximately six inches and ten pounds this summer. Which—when you think about it—explains why the fridge is always empty. And it’s fine that you’ve been letting them run around like barefoot savages all summer, but once school starts, I guess you’re going to be expected to put shoes on them.
Except (of course) they’ve outgrown all of their shoes.
It’s Famous Footwear to the rescue! Their Buy 1 Pair, Get the 2nd Half Off sale is on again, plus combine it with coupon code 17sav20 for an additional 20% off and free shipping on all orders. (This is, incidentally, the only way I will buy dress shoes for my kids. I cannot stomach paying any more than this for shoes that only get worn once a week!)
If a cute pair for you falls into your shopping cart, well, you’re only human.
Thanks Mir!!! Just scored two pairs of sneakers for $45. Way to go Mir!!!
Triple score! Paired this deal with my $10 reward card from Famous Footwear. Thanks for the deal.