You’ve probably already hightailed it over to the Threadless Back 2 Cool Sale, but if you didn’t make it over there yet (for your awesome shirts as low as $8 apiece), it’s your lucky day!
Now you can not only reap the savings on hundreds of their designs, you can also use coupon code awesome27945 to save an additional $3! The code’s good through 10:00 a.m. Central Time on August 13th, so get to it before it expires.
I pink puffy heart Threadless.
I’ve resisted ’til now. You’re making it very, very difficult for me.
I must admit I was a bit disappointed by the Threadless t-shirts I bought in the last $5 shirt sale. I love the designs, and the shirts are a good quality cotton… but the ones I bought for my son are TINY.
He’s an average-sized 6 year old, and size 6 shirts from other manufacturers fit him well. I bought two Threadless shirts in size 8, hoping he’d be able to wear them for a year or two, but the torsos on the shirts are ridiculously short. They are as short on him as the size 4T shirts I keep meaning to cull out of his drawer! I’ve made him wear the shirts a few times this summer — can’t waste money! — but they look too silly on him for him to wear to school. So sad.