… VeggieTales!
If your kids love VeggieTales (mine are a bit beyond it, now, though I do miss the days when my son was ask for “Goon-yer Agaragus!”), you might want to go ahead and sign up for the Big Idea newsletter. Doing so will entitle you to one VeggieTales DVD for just the cost of shipping—$2.99!
And if Larry and the gang leave you unmoved, well, I feel like I hardly know you anymore. (Love VeggieTales. Everybody wants a water buffalo!)
Thanks! Some days veggie tales are the only reason I get to take a shower.
I hope my little boy likes them as much as I do. Maybe take Bob the Builder’s spot.
alas, my children have also outgrown veggie tales… but when needing to find my hairbrush, or feeling sad about my lost sebu, i do have fond memories… when i’m blue, i can’t help but singing about it, and whilst visiting seaworld or anywhere else with a manatee, i can’t help but wonder if it’s barbara!
Oh wheeeeeeere is my hairbrush?
You can’t just tell people they have water buffalos when they don’t!
I may or may not love Veggie Tales even more than my kids.
Thanks! My daughter is only 3 months but I can’t wait for her to learn some of these great lessons! Thanks again!
awesome we have a big fan here!
Okay, I have a 16,15,7,4, and a 1 year old. We go on trips and they all love veggie tales. I even find myself singing along. It is so Awesome.