Whoever invented those grocery-store kids’ lunches with the crackers and stuff is probably rich now, right? But if you’ve ever actually purchased one you know that 1) they’re overpriced and 2) they may or may not be actual food you’re okay with having your kids eat.
Still… the idea of it. Genius! If only someone could do something like that, only with good, real foods. And hey, while they’re at it, what if they could make it shelf-stable so that you wouldn’t even need to refrigerate it? Now that would be something.
Well, guess what. GoPicnic went and did it. Shelf-stable meals you can just grab and take with you. Ones for kids, ones for grown-ups. Gluten-free? Not a problem. Kosher? They’ve got you covered. Vegetarian? Check! (And as if that wasn’t impressive enough, they’ve even got meals for vegans.) No mystery ingredients. No over-processed glop. Just wholesome, yummy foods, in an ultra-portable package.
GoPicnic was kind enough to send me some to try and I have to tell you, these folks are the real deal. My kids would rather eat these than my (lovingly prepared! not that I’m bitter!) home-packed lunches. Now GoPicnic is my secret weapon for Lunch Emergencies. (Oh, like you’ve never had a lunch emergency.)
Anyway. Three lucky Want Not readers are going to win their choice of six different GoPicnic meals! Want to play? Of course you do! First, go read the contest rules and regulations, then come back here and leave a comment on this post by 11:59 p.m. Eastern (8:59 p.m. Pacific) on Wednesday, August 19th, 2009 to be entered. Winners to be determined by random number generation and freshness date. What’s that? You don’t have a freshness date? Okay, then. Just the random number thing.
Ready? Go!
Yum! Thanks Mir!
I’ll admit I have the occasional lunch emergency.
Please pick me, random number generator. These would be great for my kids, especially on field trips.
Pick me random number thingy!
I’d love to have these for myself…
Sounds great– please pick me!
Busy mom salvation – pick me!
Wow, I should not have looked at their site when hungry! I’ve never, never, never been hungry enough to be tempted by one of those grocery store ready-packed lunch things. But these really look yummy…
Thanks for the chance to win!
Sounds too good to be true! Make me a believer! 🙂
These look great. Thanks, Mir!
With one child in kindergarten and one in first grade, these are PERFECT for us! PICK ME!!!!!!!!!!
Yum! We seem made for lunch emergencies these days…
Sounds YUMMY!
I’d love to try these. I need to simplify my life!
My daughter would love these!
I think every day is a lunch emergency! I sure could use these…
#17. has #17 EVER won?
I’d love to try these!!
Those look great! We’re (sadly) always in need of “emergency” kid food.
Love to try these.
Oh, yay! I have been dreading the back to school lunch packing debacle. This will help A LOT.
Yes please!!!!
I’d love to try them!
Sounds delish!
Oooh, fancy. Send some prepackaged edible goodness my way. Thanks!
i AM a lunch emergency and i have a gluten-free kid who can’t have a school lunch on those emergency days.
thanks for the contest!
Sounds great!!
I’m adjusting to having to pack lunches for school–any help would be appreciated!!!
My kids don’t even like those other things anyway! Would love to give these a try.
You weren’t kidding when you said it would be yummy!
Pick me, please!
We start Kindergarten this next week, and the start time is 7:50, so any help with lunch prep to make the mornings easier would be super fabulous!!
These look great! I would love to try them. Thanks!
those sound super.
See my post on PM, nI need a break like this today.
Sounds like a real winner! I’d love to try these. Thanks!
Would love to try these!
Sounds fantastic!!
Lunch emergencies never…haha Would love to have those in the pantry
Woohoo! Little girlie is about to start Kindergarten, and these would be awesome.
Oh, these would be awesome for last minute picnics at the park!
My teen is finally learning to pack a lunch (give me a break, he’s disabled), and these would be simply awesome options for him. count me in!
Oh Beautiful Mir, please pick me – I would love for Mr. Picky Pants to try these!!
Sounds wonderful…….please!
I am well past my freshness date, but my kids aren’t!
Anything to keep from having to fix anywhere between 2 and 4 lunches each day. C’mon, random number generator…show me some love.
Lunch emergency is my middle name!
Please pick me!
with my oldest off to K this year I am certain there will be lunch emergencies in my future!!!
Ooh pick me! -thanks!!
My busy homeschooling family would love to try these. Thank you!
These look cool!
Ready to win! My K-5 daughter would love these!
Thank you!
This is perfect for our family of 6 – we might even plan a GoPicnic picnic outing!
Sounds good. Hope I win
My lunch packing stress is starting again in 1 week from today! I would love to win these GoPicnic lunches. I also wish I would have thought of this idea myself. GENIUS!!
Impressive feat GoPicnic! Thanks from lunch-planners everywhere 🙂
my kids would love it!
Yes! I would love this prize!!!! (ok, honestly, I love ANY prize!)
Oh, yes! Out for lunch.
We had a lunch emergency just this morning!
Sounds cool. My kids would be elated.
Sounds intriguing!
very cool 🙂 wonder if they’re picky toddler approved??
sounds groovy to me!
would love to try these!
Sounds great, thanks!
wow, I didn’t even know these existed!
Ooh….I’m going to have to try these! Perfect for those mornings that I’m running late and haven’t prepared their lunches.
Thanks, Mir!
Those look amazing. Count us in!
Me! They sound great, and probably aren’t available in the middle of nowhere that I call my home. 😉
Pick me please!
I read about these in the paper and have been eager to try them. My lovingly prepared lunches get “oohs” but not actual eating…
MMmmm… these sound great!!!
PS Pretty sure my freshness date is stamped somewhere that I can’t see it. In which case, neither can you. 😛
My kids would love these. They are always asking for the others and not only can I not stomach the price, I’m sure it’s not all that healthy either!
oh save me from lunch duty random number picker thingy!!
Sounds awesome! I would love to try these out!
I love trying new things
Everyone has the occasional lunch emergency!
Jess loves those lunch things and I hate buying them for her. What a great alternative!
Would love to win a try.
These would be great to go to school with me on the mornings that I have an “emergency”!
Sounds easy!
would like to win this.
Ohh, perfect treat for the 1st day of school! (we start teh Wednesday after labor day!)
These sound great for car trips. Thank you!
We have lunch emergencies fairly often. Would love to win this!
That would be awesome!
This would be good for my kids that don’t have a school lunch program. Thanks, Mir!
Count me in!
I would love this – I pack a lunch every working day of the year!
I’d love to try these!
Ooh this would be great to try!
Awesome! Just in time for first grade.
My kids would love to try it! I’m always looking for something quick, easy & healthy.
I’d love to try these! Thanks!
What a great idea for those in between days when you run out of lunch meat, or bread, or…not that I’ve done that before! No sireee
My girls would love them!
Um…those look like a dream come true!
School starts here tomorrow. I admit to a few lunch emergencies. Pick me!!
This would be fabulous to grab as we go out the door to visit family that is over an hour away at the last minute. I don’t want to drop in with hungry kids, so I try to pack something quick and healthy, but next thing you know it is an hour later and we haven’t left yet.
My kids will be sick of sandwiches by about 2 weeks after school starts. These sounds great!
Vegan?!? My dairy-allergic daughter could eat those!! Cool!
sounds delish!
Wow, kosher boxed meals! That’s a first.
Oh dear lord, yes, I have a child who’s addicted to those things and these look much less alien than the ones we pick up once a week.
These sound fabulous!
This looks great. Also, I think your readers crashed their server. Oops!
what a great idea. And products look healthy, too.
Hope I win!
Would love to try them
I have been wanting to try GoPicnic – the founder is a friend of mine from high school!
They look fantastic!
Enter me, please.
I would love these.
How neat! I’d love to try them for my kiddos.
Sounds good. Count me in please.
Sounds interesting!
These sound great! I always cringe when I buy Lunchables for my kids, and these sound like a perfect alternative!
Please pick me!
Awesome. gluten-free, fast, and tasty? I gotta try these.
Jeez, every day seems like a lunch emergency around here!!
Ditto Rebekah x 6!
Cool! Even if I don’t win, I think I will make a purchase.
Those sound great – sign me up!
I often have a lunch emergency. With school just around the corner here, these would be great!
Lunch emergency! Happens at least once a week here.
What do you mean every day is not a lunch emergency? But it is!!! No, I can not plan better.
Pick me! I love easy food!
Those sound great. We’d love to try them. Thanks!
Sounds like fun to try!
College daughter and GF mother and son — I could use these.
Sounds great!!
coolest. idea. ever.
thanks for this contest…
These would be great as we are always rushing around to come up with lunches on the one day (Pizza day) that my kids don’t like to eat the school lunch!
Looks good! Are they only available online?
Sounds great! Thanks for the contest.
Yes, please!
Sounds interesting! I wonder how they taste.
oo please! I am going to try to take my lunch to class every day this semester…it’s a hard task to take on.
These are such a great idea!
Lovely! Any help with lunch would be wonderful!
Girl, I am *always* fresh.
Oooh, neat. I’d definitely like to try these!
we need lunch help
If I say I never win anything, does that mean I’ll win?
Lunch Emergencies? Oh yeah! This is awesome I detest those “other” lunches. Woo-Hoo.
sounds great! pick me!!
I have lunch emergencies REGULARLY.
I can’t wait to check these out! Thanks so much!
I think I need to try some for me. Lunch emergencies happen way too often at my house.
Drooling now…..
From a mom who can’t stand those OTHER “lunch” packs, I would love to try a REAL one! Thanks for the chance!
You must be sending a lot of traffic their way; their page isn’t loading for me!
Of course we’ll take it!
I’ve been wanting to try these! Thanks!
Sounds great, pretty Mir.
free lunches???
those are pretty neat
Yes please!
This is pretty awesome! I’m impressed!
Those look too cool!
School starts here next week and I know that my daughter would love to take some of these with her.
I think I may be well past my freshness date! These meals look great, and my kids are always complaining because I won’t buy them the lunch kits.
sounds fabulous AND delicious. thanks
Oh, wow, my vegan kid would get a real kick out of these! Even though I’m pretty sure there’s no real food in those “other” meals, this makes me feel a tiny bit less sad that he won’t get to experience them…
I would love to try these. I got uncomfortable with my daughter eating the “other” kind because of the fat content!
My Freshness date was last week, I think. 🙁
Yum, these look good! I would actually like to try one for my own lunch emergencies. As a vegetarian, lunch options are very limited, unless I want to buy an expensive meal at the one local restaurant that has decent vegetarian options or bring my own, which I don’t always have time to prepare.
I’m very interested in trying these!!
These would be great as school lunches!
These sound fun!
Just this morning I was dreading the start of lunchbox packing in 2 wks.
Those look great. I’ve already emailed some other mothers with the web address!
Anything to get me a few minutes more sleep!
Thanks Mir, I’d love to try these too.
They look wonderful!
I am so past my freshness date it’s not even funny. But these sound cool.
And yes, it’s still possible to have a lunch emergency when you’re packing lunch only for yourself!
me please. Had to resort to crappy lunchable again today as we were VERY late getting up and barely made it out the door in time.
you’re pretty. i can has gopicnic now? 🙂
I would LOVE to win this. School morning = panic.
As a mom sick of making lunches every day, but can’t stand lunchables, these sound great!
This sounds fantastic – yum!
Please, oh dear random number generator, pick me. 🙂
what exactly is 35-10-35 anyway?
I say bring on the lunch emergencies!!! Those look fabulous.
I have a daily lunch emergency. I would love to try these!
Oooh cool giveaway! Thanks Mir!
oooh. I totally want to try these.
Count me in! Thanks – Jessica
What a great idea for car trips!
We’d love to try these
im in!
YUMMY!! NEED (easy, quick, toddler friendly but yet yummy for adults with very differing opinions on good) FOOD IDEAS HERE PLEASE!!!
Yep. My kids would be all over the SafariMunch–c’mon, chips & salsa and snickerdoodles?! I’d be super-mommy for a long time!
Me me me!
These look great!
good to try, one of my kids will try anything once 🙂
Sounds great for school!
what a great give away Mir…son is starting K so I’d love to have a few of these around 🙂
Sounds great – every so often I have a brain freeze and forget to fix a lunch for someone until the last possible moment.
I am constantly in a lunch emergency. (very food motivated) 🙂
Go Picnic! Go!
After making lunches for my husband and 3 kids for years now I would LOVE a break. These sound like they could save me from a turkey sandwich overdose!
These sound great. I will look into buying these!
We have a lunch emergency several times a week. Hope I win!
Ooh. I have to try these.
yum. And Happy Birthday, Mir!
Sign me up for trying these.
(crossing fingers)
This sounds fantastic! I’ve been stressing over lunches lately.
How cool — those look really good! Pick me, random number generator!
sounds totally FAB!
My kids would love to try these!
Wow! Looking at these is making me hungry!
My son starts kindergarten next week and would LOVE these!
I’m all about goodness and convenience!
How very cool!! Thank you
ah spaz!! my dairy allergic child can actually EAT THESE!
sign me up!
Wow, these sound wonderful. School starts in two weeks for us.
Pick me!
Well now that just sounds too cool!
We’ve still got 3 weeks before school starts here, but I forsee lunch emergencies already! These look great.
This would be great. Thanks Mir
School is starting, need I say more?
Holy lunch’s Batman…I can’t wait to try these!
I’d love to try these!
Hope I win I’d love to try these!
Got to be better than a lunchable, right?
Awesome idea! Thanks!
Me! Me! Pick me!!!
school starts on wednesday, and my son was begging for lunchables – barf! These sound much better 🙂
Oh, man, I could use those!
Me please! My son, by default, dislikes everything I pack for him. If it comes pre-packaged he’s bound to love it!
wow, those look fantastic!
Hey those look yummy! Even though I know they are awful I still keep two luchables in the fridge because we do have lunch emergencies every so often… These look much better!
Yummy! Great contest!
oh gosh we would love to try these!
Sounds perfect! Can’t wait to try them!
How nice of you to have this contest. If I win, I promise to share!
Maybe my son would eat these. Anyone else have a problem with their child not eating thier lunch at school? I don’t understand why he doesn’t eat his lunch.
So, am I disqualified if I admit I’d use these for my own lunch emergencies?
The kid’s lunch is always prepared. Mine usually ends up being something less than healthy that’s grabbed from the pantry at the last minute.
Oooh! Pick me!
I really would love to try these!
Very interesting! I’m in!
These look great! I love that they have so many items to fit individual food needs, ie peanut free, kosher, halal, etc. I would love to win =)
Me please! 😉
Wouldn’t these be fab for a road trip/camping? Let me road test these babies!
These look great! Thanks!
Awesome! 🙂
Is there really a random number generator? Maybe this will be my lucky day!!
Me please…
Pick me, they sound very interesting.
Mmmm…love to try those!
These would be great!
Please enter me!
I don’t have lunch packing kiddos yet, but these look like great travel food for preschoolers
My daughter’s preschool cut hot lunches to keep tuition down for this year. Which means next week I have to start packing lunches for the first time, ever. This would come in handy for my first lunch emergency…which I’m sure will happen right around day 3
I’m pretty sure my freshness date is long gone (or maybe, just maybe, within the next six months), but I’d love to have some lunch options that are good and better for me.
Thanks, Mir!
Sounds awesome!
Those look really cool.
Sounds great!
Lunchables out you go!!!
I can’t wait to check out their GF lunches!!! Thanks for the notification MIR!
yay for easy lunches!
Oooh, I need these! It would make the morning “rush” less of a hassle and I would feel less guilty about what my kids are eating.
everyday is a lunch emergency.
ANYTHING for variety…I’ll try ANYTHING!!!
Very awesome contest! I think these would be great for my crazy college/work schedule!
I can’t imagine I would be lucky enough to win again, but I want this one too!
I would love to try these. I’m pregnant and busy and sometimes it’s hard to make a good lunch. Thanks!
You keep introducing me to fabulous things I didn’t know existed, but now desperately need to try. 🙂
I am very fresh. Or so my mother always told me.
Lunch emergency? Every day is a lunch emergency around here!
Of course I do! Good stuff.
I would love to win some of these!
School started for my kids yesterday. And already the discussion about lunches. All mine want is junk and it makes me crazy. Maybe this would help.
Absolutely adore this website! I don’t know how I found you but I am so glad I did!
Cool, thanks for the info, these do look great for lunch emergencies. Have to hide them from dad, no fair he using them on the rare day it’s his turn 🙂
Wish there was a coupon for those of us not fortunate enough to win.
What a great idea!
These look awesome!
Occasional lunch emergencies. Check!
Girl Child with allergies. Check!
Man Cub with DIFFERENT allergies. Check!
Said Man Cub also gluten free. Check!
Mom who prefers natural ingredients. Check!
Said mom refuses to buy that other mentioned pre-packaged junk. Check!
Oh, pretty random # picker…pick me!!
Thanks for introducing a cool product, Mir!
With seven lunches and five snacks to pack, EVERY day is a lunch emergency.
Please pick me, oh random integer picker-outer!
Oh yeah! I’m in! 🙂
oh, to ever solve the problem of what to send for lunch! By the way, I think my freshness date was about 5 years ago…but I am full of preservatives.
We’d love to try these!
Lunchables that aren’t junk? Wow.
Although now I’m all local, after reading some foodie books. I can’t win for losing.
my daughter would love these!
Pretty please, pretty Mir? (shyly, with toe digging into dirt)
so fun!
Yummy. My son would love to find one of these in his lunchbox. 🙂
I’d love to give these a try! They look very tasty.
These look fabulous! sign me up
Would love to try this! Thanks!
We’d love to try these.
My kid is way too young for these, but I am game to try…
Me please
Everyday is a lunch emergency for me….oy!
were game, thanks
RNG, pick me!
I have way too many lunch emergencies. These look perfect.
looks interesting
That’s awesome! Talk about cool for the emergency kit (and way better than those nasty cheese-and-peanut butter crackers.
if it involved food…I’m THERE! :}
These would be so great!
These look like really good alternatives to my usual lunch emergency go-tos (granola bars).
Sounds great for those emergency lunches!
I shudder to think what Lunchables are really made of. I’ll be trying these whether I win or not. Thanks for the tip!
Sounds tasty!
Oh yeah, we TOTALLY know about Lunch Emergencies in this house!
My co-workers ACT like kids – and I think that constitutes a lunch emergency, don’t you?
Sounds like a great back-up plan! Thanks for the chance to win.
I’m in! Lunch Emergencies aplenty over here.
How cool. Lunchables frighten me. I’m definitely going to check these out.
Mmmmmm, I want one right now!
Ooohhh… solutions to lunch emergencies… Off I go to look them up.
Sounds perfect! I have a very picky 2.5 year old who only snacks right now, won’t sit down for a full meal. I’ve gotten him to eat the lunchable version a few times, the only thing semi-healthy was the wheat crackers. Processed cheese food scares me, but not one manufacturer in the reg. supermarket makes a kids lunch without lots of processing and preservatives. $6 a pop is a bit steep for these (for a toddler) but dang, they sound great.
They look great! Thanks Mir!
Sounds yummy!!
I would love to try those!
looks yummy…. I want to try it!
Free food is always a good thing 🙂
ohhhh please please!
They sound great!
Okay – AWESOME! I’d love to try these!
I’ll give it a go! 😉
my daughter would love these.. she stares longingly at the prepackaged lunchables in the store, but she knows she’ll never get them 🙂
Pick me, pick me!!
Hmm these may be a great thing, my husband just decided he was a vegetarian last week. Can you do that at 40?
How cool. Some people are just so clever.
Aaahh, picky 18-y-o off to college. Must have!
Hmm….they really taste good?
I’m in, thanks Mir!
a great thing to try; come on random number generator!
I would love to try these. The not-so good for you ones are an occasional guilty pleasure!
Would love to try these ’round here. Thanks, Mir!
Pick me please!
Hey, I’d love to grab & go!
wow, those look pretty cool. I’ll sign up!
Oooooh – I just read about these and they sound awesome!
And I know exactly what you mean by “lunch emergency”. They happen about once a week with my lovely *ahem* six year old.
Thanks, Mir!
Pick me, please!
We have more lunch emergencies than I’d care to admit1
We have more lunch emergencies than I’d care to admit! Count me in!
I’d love to try!
how wonderful – I hate going past the lunchables and saying no. They make me feel so mean …
Funny, I was just making a list of possible school lunches for my son to pick from. Last year he barely ever ate anything I sent, except for the small goodie I included. I started threatening to not send the goody, but I couldn’t bring myself to take it away from him.
Those look great!
We’ve been known to have a lunch emergency or two!
Mmm….I want some too!
I would love to try the vegetarian versions! Thanks.
Lunch made easy??? I’m all in favor!
Thanks Mir!
I can’t tell you how excited I am to hear of this product!
Pick me! Although, I am wary that the boy might end up preferring this to the home-made variety.
These sound great!
PLEASE pick me!!!!
My kids had Lunchables for the first time a few weeks back. How do these compare nutritionally?
Wow! This sounds great! PICK Me!!
Omg! How great are these?? I hope I get to find out!!
this sounds great!! hope i win!!
when is there NOT a lunch emergency? and my kids aren’t even in school yet!
Oh please pick me! I have a sweet little kindergartener who needs gluten free lunch stuff. He will not get to eat in the school cafeteria very much because of that (Poor little fellow! Apparently, the cafeteria is ALL the rage nowadays). I was just trying to figure out what to fix him for lunch. One can only eat so much GF “bread”, you know. 🙂
Please, for the preh-SHOUS!!
Oh so cool!! I’d love to give these a try, and likely will even if I don’t win! Thanks for letting us know about them!
Fresh off of the no-electricity summer fiasco, this looks like a true life saver.
These look delicious!
count me in please!
Lunch emergency is an every day occurrence around here.
Oh, please count me in!
these are kind of neat!
Food, glorious food.
Thank you, Mir! What a great idea!!!
Thanks for another great contest!
These sound like something my daughter would really like. She’s hard to feed at lunchtime. Thanks for hosting this contest.
These look awesome. I know my daughter, the best procrastinator ever, would love to have a way to avoid making her lunch at 9:30 at night. Thanks for the chance, Mir!
I could sleep an extra 5 minutes if my lunch was already packed!
Need these, need these, need these!
I’m pretty fresh with most of my dates. Therein could lie the problem.
I’ll take anything that makes my life easier – thanks!
Pick me # generator!!
An answer to my prayers. Pick me!
These would sure come in handy! Hope I win!
This is exactly what I need!
I’ll try ’em!
Let’s give it a shot!
That’s awesome… I feel so guilty when I buy those other ones in a pinch!!
my kids always clamor for these. Would love to try some without the mystery meat.
oooh me. i HATE packing lunches sometimes. this would save me in a pinch 🙂
Cool! I do have lunch emergencies. Often. *sigh*
Always have lunch issues… Well, just issues in general, I guess
Oh my gosh, my daughter has been begging for me to send Lunchables to school with her for lunch because “everyone else has them!” and I just can’t bring myself to do it. This rocks!
Ooh, these sound great! Thanks for the giveaway!
Went swimming this morning. Don’t know if that helps or hurts my freshness date.
My daughter would be thrilled if I won these as I’m a mean Mommy who doesn’t buy those other things.
Woo Hoo!!!!! Thank you….
would love to be picked.
Hmmm… husband’s lunch sack, kid’s meal on the go, my lunch at the office – hmmm….
Thanks for the chance!
What an awesome idea.
I want one!
These look good! Great to have for those days when I am going from one sport practice to another.
Yes, please.
Add me to the mix
Please pick me!
Busy single mom of seven, dealing with ‘ARGH, kids in school and I have NO idea how to feed them lunches!’ panic would LOVE to win this ^^
Ooh, I’ll bite!
This sounds pretty yummy!
Packing a healthy lunch is very stressful thing. Here’s the answer!
Those look great!
love it. in.
Me please!
PERFECT!! *crossing fingers* Thanks for the chance to win this awesome prize!
Vegetarian too…nice!
Like so many others, I am hoping that nice random number generator picks my number!
Thanks, Mir
Pick me! Please……………
What if I keep it in my office for my own lunch emergencies, instead of sharing with my kid? Oh wait, I’m pregnant, so everything I eat is being shared with one of my kids!
LOL! I think my freshness date is long past, but they say some things get better with age!!
These meals would be great not only for quick snacks, but going on my trips this fall. I have 2 trips scheduled with flights and GoPicnic would save me from airport food!!!
I plan on getting some to use with the grandkids. On errand days we could stop at a park and have our GoPicnic and then play before heading home.
That would be perfect for kid’s lunches when we don’t have time to make them!
What a great idea! I would love to try these healthy options.
pick me please!
mir, your shoes are so pretty. 🙂
Popular giveaway! Throw my name in the hat, please 🙂
Anything for free food!
me me me meeeeee
me please
Ooooh. Delicious. Please count us in- the vegetarian Whole Grain & Beans sounds yummy.
Sounds interesting!
Thanks for this opportunity!!
Yay for grab and go food!
Lovely! Count me in!
These are a GREAT idea for road trips, and plane rides. I’m always stuck for what to give the 5 year old that isn’t junk and travels well.
Love that they have vegetarian versions. Sign me up!
Count me in.
Lunch is my favorite midday meal!
These are great! Thank you.
Mmmmm… gluten free! Hooray!
Sign me up, please!
These look like you can get actual food, which contrasts starkly with The Other Packaged Lunch Thingees; on a whim, I picked up one of The Other Packaged Lunch Thingees up before a long train ride, and inside that box was an assortment of processed foodlike substances. Not appetizing.
Glad to know there’s an alternative.
These sound great!
Pick me.
Perfect for those busy days out!
Oh, I’ve never heard of these before, but they look amazing. Once again you’ve scored a totally awesome contest, Mir.
Quick, easy and Gluten-Free?!? Please please please
These look great! I would love to win!
Oooh, thanks! Would so love six days off from packing lunches. I get stressed out trying to make them different every day. Sigh.
Free gluten-free food? I must be dreaming.
Yeah! Count me in!
please oh please pick me! I never win ANYTHING. Ever.
Ooooh, they sound yummy! I’m so OVER Lunchables. (If only my kids/husband agreed…)
Pick me!! We love anything yummy in our brood of five.
I would love to try these on my uber picky kids. Thanks!