Gentlemen, go find something else to do. Ahem.
Ladies? Come closer. Perhaps you’ve been thinking about trying out the new Infinity pad by Always, but haven’t necessarily wanted to commit to an entire box. Go through that link there and get one for free, and then you can decide.
Yes, I did just start your day with a feminine hygiene product. No need to thank me.
Oh, we already know you’re special that way. 😉
speaking of feminine underthings, if you become a fan of victoria’s secret on facebook, you can get 2 free pairs of panties TODAY only. and you find out what her secret is. i think it’s how they get people to pay $15 for a pair of underwear that weighs less than lint.
Thanks, Jen!
It’s tough to get too excited about feminine hygiene products, but these pads are great. I picked them up last month when I ran out of my old pads, and these really are good. Super-thin and very absorbent.
One thing I find strange is that one end of the pad is a bit wider — and they say that side should go towards the back. That just don’t jive with my personal anatomy — I wore it toward the front and thought, “Wow, great design!” only to find I was doing it “wrong”. Oh well. That’s what you get for reading the box I guess!
Thanks, Jen! Now to get to VS today…
And thanks to Mir, too!
So I became a fan but see nothing about free panties. Info or link, please? MTIA
It’s under the “Secrets” tab:
Thanks so much, beanery.
I have been buying those pads for months now and love them. They really do work as they describe.
Hurray! Just in time, as I am sure my period will be back any day now.
I tried these pads last month, and I was really impressed. Amazed, practically! And I’ve never been a fan of always, but these are really great! (I almost considered trashing the supply of stayfree I have right now, they’re that good. Frugality won though.)
Oh my, clicking around their website I end up at 3D magic! It’s a menstrual bunny popping out of a metaphorical hat! I’m simultaneously transfixed and horrified.