I think that with all of the sales we’re likely to see coming up this weekend, someone ought to write a really excellent rap song including all of the “today only!” and “limited time!” and “extra special quadruple savings!” sorts of phrases we’ll be bombarded with for the next few days.
Someone get right on that, mmkay?
Anyway, Sierra Trading Post is already on the Labor Day Sale bandwagon, and in addition to slashed prices you can use coupon code ALSEPTEMBER9 for an additional 15% off $100+ or 20% off $150+.
I love Sierra Trading Post because every time I go there for a specific piece of camping gear or something, I always find something else that I didn’t know I needed until I found it, and it’s usually something that’s diametrically opposed to what I was originally seeking. So I end up buying… a tent and a pretty dress! Or… snow pants and some cutlery! It’s always an adventure, is my point.