If you H&M

By Mir
September 15, 2009

I don’t have an H&M nearby, but the one time I went to one I remember being somewhat awestruck. It’s sort of like the clothing at Target, on steroids. So many choices! So reasonably priced! And while I recall thinking some of their adult clothing made me feel kind of old and unhip (not that it takes much to make me feel old and unhip…), the children’s clothes are simply adorable.

If you have a local store and want to go shopping, don’t forget to print out this coupon before you go—through September 20th, 2009, it’ll give you 50% off a second item.

Buy something cute for me. (I mean, for you, but with me in mind because I can’t.)


  1. You aren’t going to come down to Atlantic Station and shop with us here in ATL? I’ve only been in the H&M once but I can’t wait to go back – just got to lose a bit of this baby weight…

  2. I used to be a regular H&M shopper, before I moved, but there are no H&Ms in the entire state of Florida. Very sad. However, I feel compelled to point out to any Want Not-ers who go to H&M for the first time that their sizes are CRACKED OUT. Do not take it personally if the size on the clothes that fit you is a much higher number than you usually see inside your pants. In stores that aren’t SWEDISH AND INSANE, I consistently wear a size 2, maybe even a 0. At H&M, I’ve never been able to squeeze into anything smaller than a 4, and some pieces I’ve had to buy in sizes as large as 10. Seriously. It’s not you. Those numbers are practically random.

  3. H&M is often my go-to baby and kid gift store… agreed, their kids clothes are great and unique.

  4. Summer is right about the adult sizing, but the complete opposite is true for the kids clothing. The infant department is exceptionally oversized. My son was a total chunker and was wearing 2Ts when he was still under a year, but not at H&M. It was the only store where he actually fit clothing labeled 6-9 mo.

Bargain Hunt





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