Have you been working out?

By Mir
October 19, 2009

Maybe it’s the early hour, but I can’t stop laughing at this Superman Inflato Suit. At $13 shipped it’s a decent price for a Halloween costume, and really, I’m not sure you can put a price on having an inflated chest all night.

[Insert your own joke about someone incredibly full of themselves here.]


  1. Man I had jokes, to myself thanks very much, about this until I actually went to the site and saw the costume.

    It’s kinda cool but what if the bully puts a hole in it?
    That would have totally happened to me.

  2. I was totally going to make a joke about inflatable chests, but then I decided against it. [Fill in the blank with your own joke here.]

  3. Heh. I got this thing for my son on Amazon.com for $10 two Christmases ago and he STILL plays with it! (just bought it as a dress up item, not Halloween, though.)

Bargain Hunt





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