More markdowns, and a birthday present

By Mir
October 27, 2009

It looks like they just did another round of markdowns over at Banana Republic, plus there’s coupon code MYCARD available for card holders (looks like free shipping, no minimum, for Luxe card holders, and free shipping on $100+ for those with a Bananacard). Oh, and it’s Tuesday—have a card, get 10% off with code TUESDAYS.

Click through from there to Piperlime and get a $25 gift card towards a future purchase with any purchase, today. It’s their birthday, and it’s a present for you. Awfully nice of them, don’t you think?

And 1 in 100 orders will score a $100 certificate. I bet one of you will get lucky. I can feel it in my bones! (Then again, it’s rainy today, and I feel a lot of things in my bones when it’s rainy. I am old. It might just be that. But just in case it’s your good luck I’m feeling, happy shoe shopping.)


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