Have some hard-to-buy-for folks on your list, or a really great teacher, perhaps? Right now you can get a year’s subscription to National Geographic for just $10. (The extra $5 will be deducted at checkout.)
If that isn’t the perfect holiday gift for your favorite social studies teacher, well, I don’t know what is. (And no, I am not suggesting you go all stalker and figure out the teacher’s home address. It’s fine to send it to the school.)
Nice! Got it for myself, though. Selfish, I know.
Score!!! Awesome gift for my hard-to-buy-for brother… Thanks, Mir — you’re so pretty!
I’m sooo getting that for myself! And maybe some other folks, too 🙂
Rock it! My husband said he wanted this magazine! Hard to beat that price. Its begining to look alot like CHRISTMAS!!
… and I just went back and ordered another for my father-in-law’s birthday this month. *racks brain to think of someone else who might enjoy it*
You just ROCK, Mir.
sweet! thanks, Mir!
That is a great idea for a teacher. Thanks.
… and another for my brother-in-law, and another for a friend’s birthday…