Vampires and toys

By Mir
November 19, 2009
Category Hot Hot Hot!

Apparently this whole Twilight thing isn’t going away. (I’d really sort of hoped it was. Vampires. Teenagers. Aren’t they all angsty enough without these sorts of stories…?) And to make your holiday season both merry and, um, vampire-y, Toys R Us is holding a New Moon sweepstakes with all sorts of fabulous prizes.

Your teenager will thank you.

Or maybe you’ll thank you. It doesn’t do a thing for me, but I know plenty of adults who’re fascinated with the whole saga, too. Whatever floats your boat. (Or bites your neck.)


  1. Ummm, I’m one of those crazy Twilight moms. I can’t help it. But for some reason the link is not bringing up any sweepstakes info.

  2. oooh, twilight. how I wish I could spend six hours at the movies tonite…you can do a viewing of the first one around nine pm, then stay put and watch the new one….

  3. I’ll be seeing it tomorrow with a bunch of other twi-moms 🙂

  4. Twi-moms? really?

    Wow. I had no idea.

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