I’m sorry, I can’t stop giggling. Today Toys ‘R’ Us is having a “one day only sale,” you know, just in case you were dead on Cyber Monday and Black Friday. (I don’t know why it strikes me as so hilarious. But it does.)
Be that as it may, I can’t help being a little intrigued to note that with the exception of the Star Wars-themed sets, right now most of their Lego is buy one set, get the second half off. If you’ve got a Lego-lover around, that’s not a bad deal… particularly if you pay via Google Checkout, which currently has a $10 off thing going on with TRU.
But it’s just today, you know. Welcome to America.
They are out of stock on all the Lego City sets. Argh.
I went to the store on Monday (out of my way!) to take advantage of the lego sale. The print ad failed to mention the star wars sets were not included. On top of that, it looks to me like they had inflated the “regular” prices on the sets that were on sale, reducing my savings. TRU, I did not pink puffy heart you after that trip.
And tomorrow they will have another “One Day Only” sale. Just like everyone else on the Internet this week. SNORT.
But the issue is that it just might be a better sale tomorrow… which is why I never end up buying anything… Oh the horrors.
Trying to check out and can’t find the $10 off Google checkout…any ideas?