Britax, baby

By Mir
December 6, 2009

If you’ve been wanting a Britax car seat, but have been shrinking from the typical Britax price, check it out: Target currently has the Britax Marathon convertible car seat in the Hannah pattern available for just $150 shipped. That’s over $100 off, and about the cheapest I’ve seen one of these. It’s a particularly good deal with the free shipping, because these suckers are heavy.

(Don’t forget: Any time you’re placing an order over $50 at Target, place the items in your cart and then come back and click through this link here for an additional $5 off!)

If you have a little girl, it’s perfect. If you have a little boy… well… maybe he likes flowers…?


  1. oh man! I’m sooo tempted! We had a Marathon for Dd1 and I loved it. But I got her a second carseat recently – the First Years True Fit (when it was $100 on KidsWoot!) – and I like it even better. I have the True Fit on my registry for #2. The seats are the same price (if you get the right color of True Fit on Amazon, that is). Decisions, decisions….

  2. This is a great deal – we need to replace one of our old ones so I ordered one! The $5 off thing worked too. Thanks!

  3. They make Britax seat covers for boys. Just saying.

  4. Woo-hoo! Thanks for making me a most awesome aunt to my beautiful niece.

  5. Ooohh… mewants. But, have no idea when girly-child will arrive, nor how big she’ll be on arrival. Hmmm…

  6. neither of my boys ever seemed to mind that their marathon that was covered in flowers.

  7. hmmm… maybe I’m doing something wrong, but I can’t seem to get the extra $5 off from that link.

  8. Never mind I got it figured out! Thanks!

  9. You SO rock. Second little girl is eight weeks old, I’ve been waiting for a deal on these– and don’t you just love it that I’ve had to buy THREE Marathons over time b/c:
    1) older son had it too long for the 2nd child to benefit (past the expiration date)
    2) 2nd child is still going to need to use it when the third child is ready for it.

    So, at least you led me to an awesome deal! THANK YOU!

  10. Just piping in to say that we own two of these and they are WELL WORTH even the regular price when you look at the poundage they’ll support- 5 to 65 lbs. This gets you through several “phases” that usually require separate carseats.

    Plus, it’s built like a tank and raises the kids up where they can actually see out the windows… which leads to happier kids on long rides and such. LOVE THEM.

  11. Thanks for the deal, Mir, and thanks to the others who left comments about how you like the seat. This will be a great 1st birthday gift to our daughter!

Bargain Hunt





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