A little New Year’s gift for you

By Mir
December 31, 2009
Category Hot Hot Hot!

Hey, remember how we all got a free Amazon Prime trial a while back, and have been enjoying frenetic holiday shopping with all the benefits of free shipping, ever since?

Well, that trial is going to expire on January 15th, assuming y’all signed up the same day I did. Just two weeks left to enjoy it. So sad.

Except it’s not sad, because I have great news: Traditionally, Amazon Prime trials have only been open to customers who’ve never had them before. However, right now you can sign up for another 3-month trial, even if you’ve had it before. (Thanks, Corey, for giving me the heads up!)

Now, you cannot renew an existing Prime membership, nor do I know how long this particular offer will last, so here in the age of umpteen million email addresses, I’ll just suggest you go ahead and sign up with an address other than the one that currently has 2 weeks left on its membership. (And let’s face it; most of us had to use an alternate address for the current trial, on account of we’d had free Prime last year and weren’t eligible on that address again.)

Got all that? Good. Here’s what you do:
1) Go add this book to your cart (using the account you want to sign up with). Don’t worry, you’re not buying it.
2) Go to checkout and find the big “Get it with two-day shipping and a free trial of Amazon Prime” offer, and click that.
3) Sign up for Prime as directed.
4) Don’t complete checkout, unless you really need another copy of Pride and Prejudice.

Voila, three more months of Prime for free. Don’t forget to go into “My Account” and then “Manage Prime Membership” to turn off the auto-renew so that you won’t be charged in three months, too.



  1. Oh Mir, you are my best friend. Truly. I heart prime. So much so that I was actually going to pay for it (I’ve saved that much stocking the birthday closet alone in the last couple weeks). But now, another 3 months free?! You’re just too pretty for words!

  2. suhweet! thanks mir!!

  3. Hmpf. I guess APO addresses are not eligible for this. I get that they can’t actually get it to me in Europe in 2 days, but I was hoping they could just get it to NY that fast, which would have been fine. Now if only Amazon sold patience. I mean, they have everything else.

  4. This is awesome – thanks. Almost instant gratification, a great way to start the New Year 🙂

  5. Mir, you’re looking extra beautiful today. All week I’ve been so sad that I only had a couple of weeks left on my Amazon Prime trial. You’ve made my day!!!! I got such great deals for last minute christmas gifts and had the shipped so quickly, that I was actually thinking about signing up for Amazon Prime, now I have another 3 months to think about that.

    What a way to start the New Year!! Happy New Year to you & your family!!!

  6. Awesome! Just did it. Thanks, Mir.

  7. Excellent! This gets me through 4 more family birthdays!!

  8. Maybe not Pride and Prejudice, but if it was Pride and Prejudice and Zombies? I might need a copy of that! 🙂

    And for anyone who’s wondering: yes, it’s a real book, and yes, I’m enjoying it immensely. usual disclaimers apply

  9. Wow. I heart you so much right now. I had to start a new account in order to see the free membership option. But, it was worth it!


  11. Thanks pretty Mir and pretty Corey. I was just lamenting to my husband last night that prime was ending. Now it will live on until March!

  12. Thank you!

  13. Oooh…how exciting, pretty Mir!! I just went back and used the email address I had used for the Prime trial in 2008. Now I can get next year’s homeschool books and the summer birthday gifts purchased with fast shipping! (Oh, and maybe a few great bargains for…uh…me)

  14. Thanks for the tip, pretty Mir!

  15. Thank you pretty, pretty Mir!

  16. When I tried it, it only offered me a 30 day trial. 🙁

  17. this could be trouble! 🙂 thank you!

  18. You’re so pretty! Thank you! And luckily there’s a lot of stuff I was planning to buy on Amazon in the next month or two, so I can take full advantage of it!

  19. Ok…I must have a very foggy brain but I am only getting an offer for one month of free shipping…just my luck! Maybe I missed something. is anybody else having trouble?

  20. WOO HOO!!! I was already mourning the loss of my prime trial.

  21. Last year you posted about a prime offer for $60 and it just ran. I couldn’t believe how much I missed it in the two weeks that Prime was gone. 🙂 THANK YOU!

  22. I’m not seeing any Prime offers at ALL when I do it! Sad, sad, SAD! Is there something somewhere that I’m missing???

  23. My only question is: if you forget to cancel it in time to not get charged, does the full year start when the trial runs out, or does it charge you back dating to when you signed up? Their grammar is a little odd on that…

  24. Thank you Mir!! You’ve started off my New year with a bang!

    I did have to start a new account to see the “select prime” option. It was no big deal. I used a different email address, but I used my own name and address on my other membership. Worked like a charm!

  25. Ok, I figured it out. I had to sign out at Amazon, add the book and then sign in again when checking out (with all of my original account information). That worked!

  26. Sign me up! My one month trial ended on the 27th, so sad…but now so HAPPY!! We have 80% of our family birthdays in Jan, Feb, and March.

  27. THANK YOU!

  28. Aisha, go into your account. Where it says Manage, there is a Manage Prime subscription option. Click on that and find where it says turn off auto renew. Then you don’t have to worry about renewing by accident.

    Mir, you rock, as always.

  29. Awesome! Missed it before. Now I don’t have to make it to $25 every time I want to order something! Thanks!

  30. I do LOVE me some PRIME. Just like the rest of you pretty ladies, I was bemoaning the ending of my trial membership later this month. Now I can celebrate the NEW YEAR! My kids’ and hubby’s bdays are in Jan., Feb., and Mar., so this is REALLY SWEET:) CHEERS to you, MIR!! And thank you!!

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