Have an iPhone or iTouch? There’s a game called Finger Physics that’s amongst the top 50 paid applications but is free today only.
I wasn’t sure what it was, so I went and found this:
And now I’m thinking that it may be something to buy myself a few minutes of compliant child(ren) the next time we’re stuck in line or in the car somewhere. And I certainly can’t beat the price, right?
Thanks! Got it! We love the free apps here. Makes waiting at a restaurant so much more enjoyable. I also highly recommend Trace — a great free game that forces you to use creativity and problem-solving skills.
Thanks! Our very favorite price around here on Want Not!
Thanks. My kids got the app – now they will have to amuse me with it sometime in line…
Both of my boys have that on their Touches. (It sounds weird to use that as a plural.)
There is an on-line game that is very similar. Find it here: http://magic.pen.fizzlebot.com/
sweet! i’ve been eyeing this since i got my touch (which, to be fair, was just before Christmas). thanks! 🙂
love free!
Have I said before how much I LOVE my iPhone? Oh, I have? Nevermind:)
Love FREE apps. And it’s even better when you usually have to pay for them but you can get them for free. Thanks for the tip – my kids will heart this. Yet another game for them to play 🙂
Waaaah! I want to play.
Anybody wanna give away their iPhone?