I’m really going to do it this time

By Mir
January 11, 2010
Category Hot Hot Hot!

Y’all know that I regularly sing the praises of my crock pot, but occasionally I forget I was supposed to put something in the crock in the morning, and then I’m kind of in trouble later on in the day. Oops. And also every summer I start thinking about canning, and then I get scared off by thinking it’s too complicated.

Well, today I’m going to rescue both my didn’t-start-it-earlier meals and that urge to can… I’m picking up this Presto 8-quart aluminum pressure cooker from Amazon. Check the “More Buying Choices” column on the lower right to get it direct from Amazon for $22.49 (and of course it ships for free with Prime, which you should all have a free trial of right now).

No, it’s not gigantic enough for a ton of canning, but it’s big enough for me to get started, and it’s just the right size for when I totally forget to put dinner in the crock after breakfast and the kids are getting home from school and I still have beans to cook.

Not that that ever happens to me. I am a paragon of organization. Of course.


  1. I have that cooker and I love it. I also paid a lot more for it…GO YOU! I’ve never tried canning in it because I have my mother’s (rather impressive) canning equipment collection. BUT, did you know that you can can a lot of things in just a hot water bath? No canner needed. Jam and anything pickled (peppers, cucumbers, zuchinni, squash) are my big ones. I use the pressure canner for deer meat, green beans and tomatoes.

  2. Mir, up to $39.95 now. What’s up

  3. Sorry, user error 😮

  4. Could you use this for bottling jellies? We keep thinking we’d love to make jelly… 🙂 There is this one we get in the mountains that is to die for I want to try and replicate.

  5. Jelly is so easy to can using a boiling water bath. The National Center for Home Food Preservation is a great resource for canning everything and has all the current guidelines. http://www.uga.edu/nchfp/

  6. i’ve been thinking about a pressure cooker forever, and just never felt like investing. i can do $20. 🙂 thanks again, pretty mir!

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