If you’re a fan of the hit show Gray’s Anatomy, you know the ongoing joke about one of the characters being “dark and twisty, but in a good way.” That phrase is always what comes to mind for me when I consider author Cornelia Read; she’s smart and clever and yes, kind of dark and twisty. But in a good way.
Read fans have already met protagonist Madeline Dare, who was introduced to us first in A Field of Darkness, and then came back in The Crazy School. Now this month Dare is back yet again, this time in Invisible Boy, and if heart-gripping mystery is your thing, you are in for a treat.
Thanks to the continued generosity of our pals at Hachette Book Group, five lucky Want Not readers are going to win a hot-off-the-presses copy of Invisible Boy, and one very lucky Want Not reader is going to win all three of Cornelia Read’s Madeline Dare books. They are delicious. (Well, the first two were. I have my complimentary copy of Invisible Boy right here, waiting for me to have time to sit down and read it. I can’t wait.)
Want to win? First go review the contest rules and regulations, then come on back here and leave a comment on this post by 8:00 a.m. Eastern (that’s 5:00 a.m. Pacific; sorry, left-coasters!) on Monday, February 15th, 2010 to be entered. Winners to be determined by random number generation and surprise plot twists. No, I don’t know how that works, either, which is why it’s a surprise.
Ready? Go!
This would be wonderful. I think I’ll be adding to my wish list…
yes please and thank you
Hooray! Fun fun fun.
sign me up!
I love a good mystery and love to read. I will look for your email.
Ooh, this author is new to me! Fun!
Could use a nice book to curl under the blankets with!
yay! I love a good book, a good series of books? even better!
I’ve heard good things about her… sounds like fun!
I’m in!
Yes! A book giveaway.
Books, winter, cocoa, popcorn, perfect!
Avid reader cheap consumer…hates paying full price for books!
Fabulous! I’d love to win this. I’m going to add her other titles to my wish list on paperbackswap.
Nothing better than free books 🙂
This would be great to read…I love a good mystery!
Love to read!
Would love to win!
Oooo, pick me! I so want to read these.
books are our friends!!!
I love to read…haven’t heard of this author, so surprise me!
love book giveaways!
I’m currently not reading as much as I’d like, although I did grab a new book last night for an online study with some other people. Now I just need a good fun read to go with the heavy reading, and I’ll be set! 😀
I’d love to win please!
I’ve never read her – would love to try!
Please pick me!
another great contest, thanks Mir!
Reading is FUNdamental!! Thank you!
I’d love to have a good book to take with to the hospital in a couple of weeks when I deliver my 4th baby.
Never read any of her stuff so it would be fun to read a new author.
I’d love to win a new book!
I’d love to read it!
Never can have too many books.
Wait… *I’m* dark and twisty! A match made in someplace-that’s-not-heaven?
Pick me! Pick me!
Books? FREE books, well they are my favorite. And dark and twisty another favorite too.
Thank you!
YAY! We love to read!
I can use a new read (or 3) please!
Sure! Thanks for the chance!
Yes please!
yay! I love book contests! 🙂
I’d love to be lucky enough to win this!!
I love to read! Pick me, Number Generator Machine! Happy V-Day, everyone.
Dark and twisty … love it.
dark and twisty, not that there’s anything wrong with that.
I love a good read!
Mee…Mee…Mee…I would love to win all three : )
ohhhh…me please!
sounds good for snowy nights!
I have recently begun to appreciate mysteries.
Never watched Gray’s. Only seen a snippet of it with my stepdaughter and thought it was as dumb as any soap opera airing. I do love to read though so long as it is not commentary on how ignorant the South is whenst it comes to snow/ice. We should afterall be ignorant on that subject.
Sounds like a good read!
These sound like great reads!!!
Sounds like a good series. I’ll have to check it out.
I’m always looking for a new series!
I’m good with dark and twisty in a good way!
Always on the lookout for new books!
Yay books!
Pick me please!
These sound great!
Ooh… books!
I like dark and twisty!
Sounds fun!
combining reading with dark and twisty…like a dream!
Pick me, please!
I’d love a new author!
Pick me this time, please!!!!
Love the book contests! They’re my fave, if only I could win one!
good for our next snow day
Yes please 🙂 I think I’ll have to check these books out either way!
Oh yes, toss my # into the random generator. Sounds like fun! (And, as always, thanks for this opportunity!)
I love books! And I especially love free books! Thanks for the contest, Mir!
love to read.
Dark and twisty is sounding pretty good!
Oh, please, Random Number Generator, smile on my number this time and I’ll take back all those ugly things I may have said about you in the past. Really.
I enjoyed A Field Of Darkness, and would love to read more Cornelia Read. Thanks!
Books! Yes!
I would love to read these books.
I would love to win. In a good way.
I love recommendations for new mystery series and I would love to win this contest.
I could use something for myself! A book would be wonderful…
Free books? Yes, please!
I SO want to win this one! I love new books (esp. when they are free)!
Oh how I love a good book!
sounds awesome! thanks for the chance.
Fun! Thanks.
Sounds like great fun!
love books.
Yay for good books (double yay for free good books)!
Sounds great! Hope I win
Books are excellent for cold snowy February!
Yes please. I want to be entranced.
They sound great!
Count me in!
Sounds like a great read, I’d love to win! If not, the library becons…
Books are always good and I was just looking for something new to read!
dang, my typo in #98 above…not angling for another entry, just dislike seeing my mistakes. The library is beckoning! 🙂
Oooh, like a plot twist such as: just as the random number generator was about to chose entrant 746, a power surge sent it straight to #101?
We’re in! 🙂
Sounds great. Dark and twisty thanks!
with all this snow, I need some good reading!
I’m hoping for the whole Trifecta if they’re as good as you say they are!
love dark and twisty! 😉
Yay for books!
I want to win one!
I’m always looking for something good to read, I’ll have to look for these.
always looking for a good book. 🙂
Sounds great! I love a dark, complicated heroine.
I could use a good book or three. 🙂
yes please.
I’m in! Thanks!
Wheee, books to read!
Always on the lookout for new books! Thanks!
Yes, please.
I’ve been thinking I need to find a good book to read, but don’t have the time to find one.
Sounds like a good choice for our book club!
Me! 🙂
Cool! I love mysteries!
Of COURSE I’d like to win a book! I promise to make sure a BUNCH of people read my copy if I win, too. Yeah for new fans of a great author!
Looks like a good read.
I heart books 🙂
These sound great – can’t wait to read them. Thanks!
me me me please
With all the snow in MD, I sure could use a good book to read!
I love good books, pick me please!
ooooohh goody goody! Please?
Always looking for a new author to read….sounds interesting!
I can never have too many books!
Would love to read this!!
Ooh, ooh – count me in! I’m always looking for a new favorite.
Reading is a great experience!
Always ready to read a good book,
I love to read. count me in
Sounds awesome!
I’m always up for a new read!
thank you!
I love books!
New books are good. Happy Valentine’s Day! Thanks.
Books!! Yes, please.
I’ll add these to my goodreads list!
I’ve heard such good things about these books – please random generator – pick me!!
I’m always looking for a good book or three!
One day I WILL have time to read!
I’d rather read than breathe. So sign me up!
I sure could use another good book.
I love it when they share their books!!
I’ve been looking for a good book!
Still in mourning for Robert B Parker; new mystery writer would be welcome!
Always interested in a good book!
Free + Books = Happy
Free books! Gotta love it.
Love these book giveaways – choose me please!
I am so in….dark and twisty is my thing..and free books, awesome deal!
Ohhh, I am so ready for some new reading material! These sound great!
I love dark and twisty!
I love a good book, especially when it is so gray and cold outside!
I need a new author–I’ve never read her!
I can never have too many books!
It would be a super birthday present. Just a month early.
A new author for me! Thanks!
this would be my first time reading her books but they sound very interesting. Hope I win!
Me please
I LOVE books…free books are even better!
Free books? I’m in!
I haven’t read these yet. They sound like something I would love. My family shares all of our books and I’d love to add these to our collection. Thanks for the chance to win!
Yay for free books!
Count me in!
I would love to try this author.
Yay for good books! Thanks Mir!!!
Sounds thrilling! Thank you!
Cornelia’s books look great – thanks for featuring her!
Looks awesome.
I have been looking for another good series!
Sounds great!
Made it under the wire!
pick me!
Would be great to win!
I’d love to be entranced.
Crazy School was great I would love to win the new one!
I could definitely use more to read!