Prettier than bricks on their heads

By Mir
February 25, 2010

I keep talking about how putting bricks on my kids’ heads has totally failed to keep them from growing, and it’s always true and yet I’m always surprised. (This weekend my daughter came downstairs in a pair of sweats halfway up her calves and I told her to stop stealing her little brother’s clothes. Turns out they were hers, a pair I just bought last winter.)

Thank goodness there’s new promotions at The Children’s Place so I can stock up on cool clothes at great prices. Through March 7th, 2010, use coupon code C99AA for 15% off your order, and today and tomorrow (February 25th-26th), you can also use code FSFEB2010A for free shipping on your $50+ order.

It’s not as good as finding a way to freeze them as little ones forever, but it’s pretty close.


  1. I think mine will be taller than I am before she hits 10!

  2. She can keep wearing the sweatpants at her calves, that’s the style now! She’s rockin’ the new look.

  3. Thanks Mir, you just saved me about 20 bucks! My growing like a weed daughter will thank you too!

  4. FSFEB2010 without the “A” on the end will get you free shipping without the $50 minimum.

Bargain Hunt





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