Do you have a Kohls charge card? If you do, you got a flier in the mail a week or so ago with a Sooper Sekrit savings code for a promotion that starts today and runs through the end of March. I’m only allowed to share the 15% off code—please don’t share the higher ones if you got one—but if you got a better discount in the mail, have at it. If not, use your Kohls charge and save 15% online with code GRAND15 for the next week.
Shipping is automatically free on $75+. I’ve been poking around the clearance and see plenty of 90% off stragglers of winter merchandise. Limited colors/sizes, sure, but there are some goodies to be had. And I don’t know about you, but I much prefer shopping online to fighting my way through the store. This is much more peaceful.
Plus, I don’t get any disapproving looks for wearing my bathrobe. Ahem.
Kohl’s is my favorite non-discount store, mainly because they have great clearance racks. The other reason is that nothing in the store is excluded from their coupons and other discounts.