I… don’t really know what a Zhu Zhu is. Nor do I want to know. It sounds vaguely contagious, and definitely like it’s moist, no matter what my children try to explain to me about how they’re hamsters gerbils mice rodent analogues.
Nevertheless, if I’m going to cave to the Zhu Zhu trend, I’m much more likely to go the video game route than the fuzzy, battery-powered toy route. Which is why it’s extra-cool that the Zhu Zhu Pets: Special Edition DS game is currently just $20 at Amazon with a $10 video game credit, essentially making it just $10.
Hey, remember that Prime trial most of us got a few months ago, that runs out at the end of the month? Now much be a good time to squeeze the last bit of life out of it, picking up Easter basket stuff. Just a suggestion.
ok ok ok… I had this item in my Amazon cart earlier this morning, but backed out. But I simply couldn’t find anything else to tell the Easter Bunny to put in daughter #1’s basket to match The Princess and the Frog DVD that will go in daughter #2’s basket. And since you made it so practical with the link and all… I DO feel a little bit prettier now. 🙂
Thank you Mir! I’ve been looking for something to round out the basket. I was looking at the actual zhu zhu’s but it seems the add-ons, cages, and tracks are never-ending. This is perfect — you’re so pretty!
awesome idea. Got the DS game for one kid, a zhu zhu toy for the other.